Professor Judith Pallot speaking in ASEEES 2022

Professor Judith Pallot took part in a two part round-table at the virtual Convention of the American  American Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies.  The title of the session was Gender, Sexuality and Violence in the context of the escalation of Russia’s War on Ukraine: I and II.

Judith spoke about the gendered and ethnic sorting of people captured, deported and evacuated during the war as they are moved through a  variety of carceral spaces.

Dr Mykhailo Romanov in “Scholarship in Exile” seminar

The most recent member of the GULAGECHOES and Yugoslavian Penal Politics projects, Dr Mykhailo Romanov, took part in an online webinar on Scholarship in Exile: challenges of helping Ukraine academics and scholars at risk. He and Maryna Shevtsova discussed the current challenges facing scholarship in Ukraine and the ways in which the scholars at risk programmes might be modified to maximise the benefit to our Ukrainian colleagues. We are hoping that Mykhailo will be able to visit the Aleksanteri Institute for a short period in the near future.

Dr Lili di Puppo explores Muslim identities in prison environment

We welcome the return of Dr Lili di Puppo, a former visiting fellow at the Aleksanteri Institute in 2022. She has come back to the Institute to collaborate with gulagechoes bringing to the project her knowledge of Russian Muslim communities.

She will be exploring the relationship between Muslim identity and prison identity on the basis of interviews collected with (former) Muslim prisoners in Russia. Lili was was previously assistant professor of sociology at HSE University, Moscow.

Her research focuses on religion and ethnicity, the interconnection between memory, place and identity and environmental movements and spirituality in the Eurasian region. She has done fieldwork in Russia’s Volga-Ural region and Georgia. Her work has been published in Ethnicities, Globalizations, East European Politics, Contemporary Islam, the Anthropological Journal of European Cultures and Global Crime. She is co-editor of the book “Peripheral Methodologies: Unlearning, Not-Knowing and Ethnographic Limits” (Routledge, 2021).


Archival fieldwork at the National Archives of Georgia (Tbilisi)

Dr Larisa Kangaspuro, a researcher whose historical study in the project focuses on Ethnicity in the Imperial Russian prison system after the Great Reforms, visited the National Archives of Georgia in July-August 2022. Georgia was part of the Russian Empire from 1801 to 1917. Then it was Tiflis and Kutaisi provinces. Many different nationalities and different faiths inhabited the territory of the modern Georgia. Within two weeks, documents generated by both state prison authorities and civil society organizations were discovered, for example, official correspondence from the Imperial Main Prison Administration (the GTU) in St. Petersburg with the Tiflis Governor or reports and personal correspondence from the head of the Ladies’ Committee of the Society for Prisons. These previously unpublished documents allow clarifying the issues of ethnicity and interethnic relations in prisons on the outskirts of the Russian Empire from the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th centuries.

Researchers Costanza Curro and Vakhtang Kekoshvili on their third field trip to Khoni, May 11th-June 5th

In Early June Dr Curro returned from three weeks in Georgia in which she supervised the filming for the gulagechoes video. The deteriorating research environment in Russia over the past year meant that we had to abandon our previous plan to make a project video recording the experiences of ethnic minority former prisoners in FSIN’s facilities.  We decided to shift the site of filming to Gorgia and focus of the video on ‘prison work’ in the late Soviet period.  The late Soviet period in the USSR has been much neglected in research on the history of the Soviet prison system and we aim to use our film to begin to fill in the gap. During her previous field trips to Georgia, Dr Curro has worked in a settlement near Kutaisi that was host until the 1990s to a collection of correctional labour colonies developed to provide labour for the tea plantations.  A majority of the older population in Khoni were associated with the correctional colony in some capacity and were prepared to share their reminisces about working in the Soviet prison system with  our project.


Dr Curro presents paper on the Vory-v-Zakony at a conference in Berlin

On June 16-18, Dr Costanza Curro and Dr Vakhtang Kekoshvili attended the international conference ‘Socialism’s divergent masculinities: Representations of male subjectivities in Soviet constellations and beyond’, organized by Dr Matthias Schwartz and Dr Dirk Uffelmann at the Leibniz-Zentrum fur Literatur-und Kulturforschung (ZfL) in Berlin. The conference, which was originally scheduled in June 2020 and was postponed twice because of the COVID-19 pandemic, hosted around 20 cultural and media studies, literature and social sciences scholars from German, American, British, Finnish, Georgian and French academic institutions. The conference papers explored the aesthetic representations of male subjectivities beyond the normative hegemony established by Soviet official propaganda from a variety of perspectives – film and music, satirical press, ethnography and literary production, amongst others. Participants discussed the discrepancies between socialist-realist and neo-traditionalist images and the multitude of divergent male subjectivities produced by Soviet everyday life, which somehow found their way into artistic and cultural representations. Such representations, we assumed, are a prism through which social and cultural changes can be analyzed. Dr Curro and Dr Kekoshvili’s presented a paper titled ‘The thieves in law in Georgia: Resilient, resisting or fallen masculinities?’, which investigated the masculinities attached to figure of the kanonieri kurdi (thief in law in Georgian) in the narratives and practices emerged from their recent fieldwork in Western Georgia.

7th-9th June 2022 Judith Pallot was invited by the Institute for Social Studies in the Hague

During the visit, she had consultations with lawyers on the operation of the ICC in relation to the alleged war crimes in the Ukraine war She also gave a paper at a one-day workshop on the impact of the war in Ukraine with reference on the agricultural and rural economies of the region. He paper addressed the issue of how the resources of rural and peripheral regions in Russia are being mobilized for the war in Ukraine, which include consideration of the role of the prison service and prison volunteers in the war.


The annual gulagechoes workshop took place this year after the interruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Sadly, on this occasion the war in Ukraine meant that some Russian passport holders who have contributed to the project were unable to attend, in person. Nevertheless, we were able to assembly an international group of scholars who are now becoming leaders in the field of post-communist penological studies for a three-day workshop.

Now that we have passed the halfway mark in the project and are nearing the end of the data collection phase of our work, we were in a position to take stock of what we have achieved so far and what gaps remain to be filled.  The first session of the workshop was concerned with identifying the principal themes that have surfaced from the project’s historical and geographical case studies. It was gratifying that there was a remarkable degree of agreement among those present about the themes and how they might be woven into a co-authored monograph that will showcase the advances the project is making in research on penality across the Eurasian region.  Subsequent sessions focused, in turn, on the case studies lead by each of the project’s research fellows; the historical antecedents in the Soviet Gulag, the country examples of Russia, Estonia, and Georgia. The project was fortunate that Lili di Puppo, a visiting fellow at the Aleksanteri Institute was able to lead discussion on the Muslim case study and we look forward to welcoming her in a formal capacity to the project in the autumn.

The workshop took place in the perfect location of the Nuuksio National Park, where we appropriated two apartments that allowed us to self-cater, which gave us flexibility to combine work with breaks when we could enjoy the beauty of the park.