Instructions for the Circular Economy Weeks’ Upcycling and Art competition

The theme of HYY Environmental Committee’s spring campaign is circular economy.

One of the aspects of circular economy is the aim to keep materials in circulation as long as possible. In practice, this means improving its lifespan by recycling and reusing.

Upcycling and Art competition challenges students to take part in the circular economy by making new use for old items or art from recycled materials! Send a picture of your creation to participate in the competition!

Logo: Sara Lahdelma

We will share the participants’ works both in the Instagram stories and in the competition’s Facebook event. In addition, HELSUS has requested access to the images of the competition as part of its project related to the circular economy (link to the projects:

When your gorgeous creation is complete, follow these steps:

1. Take a picture of your work and send it to us

  • On Instagram via private message @hyy_environment or
  • On Facebook via private message to “HYYn Ympäristöasiat” profile or
  • On Facebook event or
  • by e-mail

2. Indicate in your message if you do not want your name to be published within the publication AND / OR if you do not want your image to be part of the HELSUS project.

3. Admire your accomplishments and, if you wish, attend the prize-giving ceremony on Tuesday 27.4. at 6 pm!

You have time to participate until Monday the 26th. The jury will select two winners to receive environmentally related prizes. On Tuesday the 27th of April we will have a prize-giving event where we will go through the works and announce the winners.

Then just ready – steady – brainstorm! Winners will be notified in person.

Remember to follow HYY Environmental Committee in social media, during the campaign we will share various posts related to circular economy (Facebook: HYYn Ympäristöasiat, Instagram: @hyy_ymparisto, blog:

Junk Art & Recycled Art 

Other men’s trash is someone’s treasure. Rebellious dada-movement influenced Arte Povera and Found Art which are Junk Art’s predecessors. Movement demonstrates that art could be made out of anything. Like the name implies, most of the used material is abandoned trash. Recycled art is similar but concentrates on recycled materials. 

Art can protest western consumption hysteria or/and can be used as a device to increase environmental consciousness. Art also acts as a conversation opener and offers an alternative to throwing things away. In total, movements question the whole concept of garbage and encourage us to reflect on our disposable culture.