How to Practice Circular Economy in Student Organizations? Tips for Sustainable Practices

Circular economy is an alternative production and economy model which takes environmental capacity into account. While it may be easy to imagine what are the imperatives for big actors such as states or big businesses in terms of changing towards more sustainable practices, students as future experts are at an equally important place to consider their role in the change.

What can student organizations do to support the development of circular economy and circular economy related ideas?

We have collected some suggestions for you. Read further!

Logo: Sara Lahdelma
Material circulation in the organization’s own practices
  • Recycle and plan your consumption in advance.
  • Consider the sustainability of purchases.
  • Reuse materials creatively – it’s also fun!
  • Remember the university’s own recycling groups for student organizations! (links at the end of the post)
Raising awareness
  • Bring up the topic of circular economy by sharing information on different practices and developments.
  • Consider connections to your own field of education: what does this mean to you?
  • Stay up to date – get acquainted with the environmental guide for student organizations and follow, for example, the Environment Committee’s tips for events, podcasts and more!
  • Educate yourself about circular economy themes, for example by taking the MOOC – course.
Collaboration and participating in projects
  • Find out what circular economy related solutions are being developed in your field. How could your organization and the students participate?
  • Arrange excursions, panel discussions or other collaboration with circular economy projects! Sitra’s webpage, for example, is listing circular economy organizations. You can also contact HELSUS, Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science.
  • Hold your own circular economy week in the student organization! You can focus on the perspectives or themes relevant to your academic field.
  • Stay in touch with other student organizations and circulate needed items instead of buying them!
Other types of influencing
  • Encourage students to vote in the HYY Representative Council elections, municipal elections and other instances.

Useful links

HYY: Järjestöjen nakki- ja tavaranvaihtopörssi/ HYY: Student organizations’ commodity exchange

HYYn piirissä toimivien järjestöjen vaihtotavaralista / HYY: Student organizations’ exchange item list

HYYn vuokra- ja lainatavarat / HYY’s rental and loan items:

HSY jätteenlajitteluvinkkejä / HSY waste sorting tips:

Helsingin yliopiston hiililaskuri järjestöille / University of Helsinki carbon footprint calculator for organizations: