A Seminar on Futures of Comparative Research in Education Politics and Sociology of the Possible

March 2nd, 2015, Athena, Siltavuorenpenger 3A, Auditorio 107

If you wish to participate, please register on the website

Part I: Perspectives on comparative research in education politics Chair: Markku Jahnukainen, University of Helsinki

12:00 Fritjof Sahlström, University of Helsinki: Opening words
12.05 Jaakko Kauko, University of Helsinki: Introduction
12:15 John W. Meyer, University of Stanford: Keynote
12:45 Risto Rinne, University of Turku: Comments
13.00 Nelli Piattoeva, University of Tampere: Comments
13:15 Discussion

13:45 Coffee

Part II: Perspectives on political history and sociology
Chair: Markku Jahnukainen, University of Helsinki

14:10 Janne Varjo, Mira Kalalahti, University of Helsinki: Introduction
14:20 Pauli Kettunen, University of Helsinki: Keynote
15:45 Pertti Alasuutari, University of Tampere: Keynote
15:10 Discussion
15.40 Hannu Simola, University of Helsinki: Concluding remarks

16:15 A toast to the publication of Simola, H. (2015) The Finnish Education Mystery – Historical and sociological essays on schooling in Finland. London: Routledge.

The organisers: Research Unit of Sociology and Politics of Education
(KUPOLI), the Nordic Centre of Excellence “Justice through Education” (JustEd), Institute of Behavioural Sciences (IBS), Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki