Seminar: International Actors in Education

Master’s degree programme in Sociology and Politics of Education

Open lectures on Thuersday 26th  and Friday 27th November

Seminar: International Actors in Education

Thuersday 26th November 2015

12.15-13.15 Global neoliberal education policies and their adaption in Sweden
Professor Lisbeth Lundahl, Umeå universitet
Lecture hall: PSY aud A132 (Siltavuorenpenger 1 A)

Friday 27th November 2015

9.00-9.45 Distributed agency and relational power of international organisations
University Lecturer Nelli Piattoeva
Lecture hall: 302, Athena (Siltavuorenpenger 3)

10.00-10.45 What is change? Comparative education approaches to understanding the role of international organisations
Postdoctoral Researcher Jaakko Kauko, University of Helsinki
Lecture hall: 302, Athena (Siltavuorenpenger 3)

No registration required
