Oula Seitsonen’s new post-doc position at the University of Oulu

Oula Seitsonen will carry on working with Lapland’s Dark Heritage as a post-doctoral researcher until autumn 2018, after which he launches a new, somewhat different post-doctoral project at the University of Oulu. However, he will be continuing to work in Lapland, as part of the European Research Council funded interdisciplinary project Domestication in Action: Tracing Archaeological Markers of Human-Animal Interaction, directed by Anna-Kaisa Salmi. Domestication in Action project aims to create new methods and concepts for identification and interpretation of animal domestication, using the reindeer domestication among the indigenous Sámi in northern Fennoscandia as a case study.

Oula will be developing GIS (Geographical Information Systems) based approaches for studying the taskscapes of Sámi reindeer herding through time. He will carry on working together with some of the reindeer herders who have been interacting with us during the Lapland’s Dark Heritage research.

Domestication in Action: Tracing Archaeological Markers of Human-Animal Interaction project blog: https://domesticationinaction.wordpress.com/

Oula and Elvi Seitsonen by a fjell lake in the Muotkatunturit Wilderness Area (Photo: Naomi Blencowe).