Tieteelliset julkaisut

Tieteelliset julkaisut (englanninkieliset)

Seppä L, Latvala T, Akaichi F, Gil JM, Tuorila H. 2015. What are domestic apples worth? Hedonic responses and sensory information as drivers of willingness to pay. Food Quality and Preference 43:87-105.

Seppä L. Domestic apple cultivars: Sensory descriptions and consumer responses, EKT-sarja 1633, Helsingin yliopisto 2014 (väitöskirja) Linkki sivun alareunassa on edelleen linkki pdf-tiedostoon.


Seppä L, Railio J, Vehkalahti K, Tahvonen R, Tuorila H. 2013. Hedonic responses and individual definitions of an ideal apple as predictors of choice. Journal of Sensory Studies 28:346-357 Tiivistelmä

Seppä L, Peltoniemi A, Tahvonen R, Tuorila H. 2013. Flavour and texture changes in apple cultivars during storage. LWT-Food Science Technology 54:500-512.

Seppä L, Railio J, Mononen R, Tahvonen R, Tuorila H. 2012. From profiles to practice: Communicating the sensory characteristics of apples to the wider audience through simplified descriptive profiles. LWT-Food Science Technology 47:46-55.

Latvala T, Seppä L, Akaichi F, Gil JM, Tahvonen R, Tuorila H. 2012. BDM-auction in assessing market potential of Finnish apple cultivars. IV Workshop on Valuation Methods in Agro-food and Environmental Economics, 12.-13.7.2012 Castelldefels Espanja (working paper).