You can now check code with a CodeRunner plug-in

A CodeRunner question type for checking code has been installed on Moodle. Thanks to the CodeRunner question type, you can create programming assignments associated with quiz activities to be automatically checked. CodeRunner supports the following programming languages: Python 2, Python 3, C, C++, Java, PHP, JavaScript (Node.js), Octave and MATLAB. CodeRunner is suited particularly to introductory courses in programming, when it is important for students to receive immediate feedback on their code and its style, depending on how exact the tests to be entered into the program are. The coding of one’s own testing method is also possible, but this is not recommended for beginners.

In basic use, students enter their own code or program into the answer box for the question, after which CodeRunner runs the test code on a virtual server and compares the outputs of the provided sample code and the student’s code. In the next phase, the use of certain functions can, for example, be restricted, or the student can be asked to write code with a certain number of lines. After creating your own question type, you can also, for example, compare text with the provided sample text, depending on how complex a question type you write.

A workshop related to CodeRunner will be organised early next year to explore question types in more detail. For further information and requests for workshop content, please send an email to moodle @

Instructions for Teachers