Take a digi step!

The following Moodle courses will be given in Spring in Finnish:

  • 18th April at 13:15-16:00 Moodle clinic: Come and make your own course
  • 19th April at 14:15-16:00 Web seminar: What can Moodle do for you?* Cancelled!
  • 27th April at 15:15-17:00 Which MOOC?
  • 5th May at 13:15-16:00 How can I assess in Moodle?*
  • 12th May at 9:15-11 Moodle Workshop (In English!) NEW!
  • 29th May at 9:30-12:00 How can I assess in Moodle?*
  • 14th June at 12:30-16:00 Exams in Moodle or in Examinarium?*

*you can join the seminar also via Adobe Connect

More information and enrollment in Henkka.
See similar courses in Meilahti.

If you wish to have training in English or in some other topic please contact moodle @ helsinki.fi


Changes in self-enrolment

There have been some changes in the self-enrolment settings regarding new Moodle courses. With the self-enrolment function, students can enrol themselves to a course so that teachers don’t have to add them one by one.

These changes concern your new Moodle courses, if you would like to:

  • Get students to enrol themselves into a Moodle course site
  • Set an enrolment key for the course

What’s changed: The self-enrolment function is no longer automatically open by default, but it is hidden. To enable self-enrolment:  Go to “Administration” > “Course administration” > “Users” > “Enrolment methods” and open the “eye” icon on the line “Self enrolment”. You can also set an enrolment key. For more information, please see instructions.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at moodle @ helsinki.fi Thank you!

What is new in Moodle 3.1?

Moodle was updated to a new version 3.1.4 on 10th January 2017.

Changes in the new version:

  • Grading Assignment submissions has got smoother by showing all elements on one screen. The teacher can annotate uploaded PDFs within the browser, and on saving, the annotated file is made available to the student. It is recommended to advice students to upload their submissions in PDF format.
  • The teacher can easily restore deleted items by the new Recycle bin. The content will be permanently deleted after two weeks.
  • When a Folder resource contains many files, students and teachers can download them all in a zipped file.
  • Teachers can now pin important forum posts to the top of the discussion, making them more visible to all.
  • Everybody can now easily link to forum posts by the new permalink feature.

Read more about the new features.

Please note that there are also some functionalities generally available within Moodle 3.1. version that the University of Helsinki will not be taking into use. These include:

  • CBE – Competence based education
  • Global search
  • Tags
  • Annotating other than PDF files
  • LTI tools
  • Metalinked courses

If you have any questions about the new version of Moodle, please contact moodle @ helsinki.fi

Watch a video about Moodle 3.1. highlights:

Moodle training in Spring 2017

There will be two “Moodle basics” courses in Finnish on 11th January and 6th March.

There will also be two “Moodle clinics” in Finnish on 17th January and 13th March.

More about courses in Finnish

If you wish to have training in English please contact moodle @ helsinki.fi

Learn more about Moodle and experience learning with a MOOC-course!

Teaching with Moodle” is a free MOOC-course open for registration for everyone interested in learning more about Moodle. The course is especially geared for teachers who would like to develop their own use of Moodle and gain experience studying with a MOOC. This course is a great opportunity to connect with the international Moodle-community and to share new ideas with teachers who use Moodle worldwide.

The MOOC will begin on 2nd January, 2017 and lasts for four weeks. The completion of the course for accomplishment grade is optional. You are free to participate as an auditor with your own user login, to follow the course when it is convenient for you.

Find out more information about the course and register at:

For registration, you just need an email account, which will enable you to create your own password for login purposes. This MOOC is designed and organized by Moodle HQ, not University of Helsinki. We hope you may take this wonderful opportunity!
