Progressive feedback in my kindergarten

We have started a pilot, in which individual kindergartens, groups and maybe even children can get real-time feedback of their processes. In the first stage the pilot includes Siimapuisto kindergarten in Vantaa and Nummenkylä kindergarten in Järvenpää. We aim to have the tools ready by spring 2019 and it is applicable then also in other kindergartens and with childminders. The picture is from the first observation training in Siimapuisto 15 March 2018.

Progressive feedback available for the cities and early educators

It is one small step for early educator, one giant leap for early education! To start using the new progressive feedback interface with a regular web-browser. In the interface there are both readymade analysis and a possibility to edit the results in many ways, resulting in a versatile and real-time feedback for the early educators. Now the cities have access to Finnish results in real time. What’s more, now the city’s own results can be seen in comparison. We have started a new era in the evaluation, feedback and development of Early Childhood Education.

Progressive feedback in Early Years

In Finland, Progressive feedback in Early Years is a project funded by the National Agency for Education. There are 12 municipalities participating in the project, which aims for sustainable development of ECE. We develop tools, measures and practices, with which we can get valid and reliable research results on Early Education activities.We also aim for data driven feedback for the educators and experts of Early Education. We have a conference describing the project and working out future plans 16 August, with some Taiwanese examples to share with the Finnish participants.

How to consider observers?

Municipality representatives (click for a bigger picture)

In Finland, we have 12 cities and municipalities participating in the observation. In a meeting 11 April, we had a meeting with the municipalities’ representatives to plan the best possible observation training. We have two aims: Firstly, we need to have a valid and reliable observation. Secondly, we need to take good care of the observers. They need to get an experience of doing an important job. They also need to acquire personal development and insight by doing the observation. We need to build a system that the observers want to stick with, to ensure a sustainable and evolving progressive feedback.

Physical activity lessons from Finland?

Unfortunately our results describing children’s physical activity in Early Education are published only in Finnish. The first small article about our latest results in English has just been published in Nursery World. Even though there are still a lot of things to enhance in Finland, there may also be some things that could be used in other countries too, see Jyrki Reunamo: Physical activity: some lessons from Finland).

Cooperation with China

In April 20-22 the Chinese Secretary General of CEAIE Wang Ling and her colleagues Wen Shijun, Guo Shixin  and Vivi Chen visit Finland to seek possibilities for cooperation with Orientation project and Finnish Early Education developers. We concentrate on the use of progressive feedback, which gives a strong foundation for Chinese Early Education, based on the strengths and needs of dynamic China and its needs.

Strenghtening ties

Cooperation between Finland and Taiwan has been strenghtening already for nine years. On Wednesday 2016.12.21 Da Ai Television reported about the cooperation between Tzu Chi University and University of Helsinki. Both partners have learned a lot from each other. The video includes inspirational examples of combining learning with physical activity. By the way, the tree house in the video has been build solely by the pre-school staff and children without any extra help. Building a strong and practical tree house is not an easy task as anyone who has tried to do it can tell! The video can be seen by clicking the link below.