International conference “Religion, acknowledgment and recognition”

Co-organized by the Academy of Finland Center of Excellence “Reason and Religious Recognition” (Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki) and JSPS Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research [B]) “Political education for living with the other: a Japanese initiative in international dialogue on American practical philosophy”

Date: Monday September 30, 2019.

Venue: The Faculty Hall (Vuorikatu 3, 5th floor), University of Helsinki

9:30 Welcome Sami Pihlström and Naoko Saito

9:35 – 10:15
Risto Saarinen (University of Helsinki), “Center of Excellence, Reason and Religious Recognition”

Coffee break from 10:15-10:30

10:30 -12:00
Sami Pihlström (University of Helsinki), Religious Truth and Pluralism: Pragmatist Reflections on Acknowledging the Other
Naoko Saito (Kyoto University), Recognition and Acknowledgment in Honneth and Cavell

Sandra Laugier (Paris 1st University, Sorbonne), “The native of these bleak rocks”:
Religion, Film, and the Ordinary
Heikki J. Koskinen (University of Helsinki), Rationality as the Criterion of Adequacy for Respect-Recognition

Coffee break from 15:00-15:30

Panu-Matti Pöykkö (University of Helsinki), No need for an Absolute You: Recognition and the Trace of the Divine in Levinas
Anton Sevilla (Kyushu University), The Universality and Particularity of Religious Awakening: Mori Akira and Nishihira Tadashi

17:00 Closing remarks: Sami Pihlström and Naoko Saito

18:00 Dinner