Arctic Frontiers 2018

On 25th of January Hanna Lempinen gave a presentation “Local resources, international climate policies and salvaging the welfare state: Peat production at the symbolical core of Finnish energy-economy-society interface” at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø, Norway.

While much of the debates over the Arctic energyscape are dominated by the pros, cons and prospects of northern oil and gas extraction, this presentation takes a focus on another Arctic non-renewable energy resource that sits uncomfortably between regional economic development and international climate policy priorities: peat. While at the official level the national climate and energy policies have shifted from “peat promotion” to gradually phasing out its use in favor of more climate-friendly energy alternatives, local and industry efforts to define peat as a “slowly renewable biomass fuel” continue.

Although the share of peat in Finland’s national energy mix has gradually decreased to around five percent, the importance it still has in terms of supply security and regional economics and employment, the adverse environmental and climate impacts of peat production, and the colorful lobbying campaigns of peat producer associations make sure that the attention that peat receives in political and popular agendas remains larger than its size. This presentation takes an empirical focus on the most recent public peat promotion campaign in Finland with an aim to highlight the fundamental intertwinements of “the idea of peat” and the Finnish society. As such, it provides a case study approach to the often complex discursive interplay of northern local “realities” and shifting international policy priorities in the era of accelerating global warming.

Communicatio Academica 2018

On 12th of January 2018 a conference Communicatio Academica 2018 in Lappeenranta was organised by the Finnish Union of University Professors and the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers. Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen participated in the panel “Energiaa ihmiskunnan parhaaksi” (Energy for the good of the humankind) at the conference. Programme of the conference can be found here.

Winland blog post

Read Sakari Höysniemi’s new post “Mikä on valtion rooli energiamurroksessa?” (What is the role of the state in the energy transition?) on Winland blog page.

Yle article

A long article “Korkeajännite idästä” (High Voltage From the East) was published on Yle on 6th of January. The article includes an interview with Professor Tynkkynen where he speaks about the risks concerning the Hanhikivi nuclear power plant projects. The full article can be read here.

Energy, Supply Security and Geopolitical Shifts report

A report “Energia, huoltovarmuus ja geopoliittiset siirtymät” (Energy, Supply Security and Geopolitical Shifts) by Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen and Sakari Höysniemi from the research group on Russian environment and others was published. The report is a part of Energy and Supply Security project financed by the Prime Minister’s Office and can be accessed from here.

German radio interview

Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen was interviewed by German radio SWR2 in programme “Finnland und sein Nachbar Russland” (Finland and its neighbour Russia), dedicated to the centennial of Finnish Independence. Professor Tynkkynen spoke on energy issues. Listen to the programme here.

Policy brief

Policy brief “Global energy transitions and Russia’s energy influence in Finland” by Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Katri Pynnöniemi and Sakari Höysniemi. Read the full policy brief here.

This study argues that in a condition of a rapid energy transition Russia’s possibility to use energy trade as leverage
diminishes. Therefore, a slow transition to a renewables-dominated world economy is in the interest of Russia.

Energy has always been an essential part of geopolitics. Transitions in energy markets and new technologies can have a significant impact on the geopolitical balance and national security by affecting countries’ energy trade, economy and security of supply. For example, combatting global climate change has already had and will continue to have an impact on the demand for hydrocarbons. Decreasing demand can put financial pressure on countries with economies dependent on the export of hydrocarbons, and this may create political instabilities. Simultaneously, political decisions to financially support energy production from renewable sources, mainly wind, have reduced countries’ dependency on fossil fuel imports and paved the way for a wave of competitive renewable energy sources.

This policy brief is based on the second phase of a three-phase study on the changing geopolitics of energy.

The first phase of the study involved performing a global, market-based analysis and developing three scenarios: base scenario, rapid development and slow development until 2040. The second phase of the study assesses the impacts of these strategic shifts from the point of view of Russia’s energy and security policies. Moreover, the policy brief analyses how
Russia is using control of its energy resources and flows of traded energy commodities to exert political leverage in conflict situations. Knowledge of leverage and dependencies in energy trade makes it possible to carry out the third analytical phase, i.e. to propose measures that simultaneously promote the energy transition and energy security in Finland.


Panel discussion on Arctic cooperation

Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen took part in a panel discussion “Ark­t­inen yhteistyö – mitä Suomi siitä hyötyy?” (Arctic cooperation – what Finland benefits from it?) at Tiedekulma.

The Arctic Council is an eight-country forum aimed at promoting sustainable development and environmental protection in the Arctic. Finland takes up the presidency of the Council in 2017-2019. But what does it benefit from Arctic cooperation – or does it benefit at all?

Watch the full discussion here.


Leadership for Change lecture

On 23rd of November 2017 Lauri Veijalainen, the Group CEO at Stockmann, gave a lecture at the Tampere University. In recent years, the Stockmann Group has faced challenges due to changes in the operating environment and customer behavior. At his LFC lecture, Mr Veijalainen shared his views on leading such complex change processes. The main focus of the lecture were the complexities related to doing business in Russia. Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen gave comments after the presentation by Mr. Veijalainen.

Pictures from  @ALonnq Twitter account.

Annual Artic PIRE meeting

Annual Artic PIRE project meeting was organised on 6-7 of November at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, USA.

From our group Stephanie Hitztaler attended and gave a presentation on Fossil Fuels and Sustainability – conceptual framework that she and Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen are working on.

The meeting programme is available here.