ARKTIKO Seminar 2017

Annual ARKTIKO Seminar took place on 9th-10th of May in Oulu. Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen was taking part in it and chaired the panel “Co-management of Arctic resources – challenges and future solutions”. The programme of the seminar can be found here.

Veli-Pekka’s guest column at Helsingin Sanomat

On 28th of April a new guest column “Energiantuotanto kaipaa lisää yhteiskuntavastuuta” (Energy production requires more social responsibility) by Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen was published in Helsingin Sanomat newspaper.

We are  linked to the world economy through binding agreements between companies and states. The primary task of the agreements is to safeguard the financial interests of the trading partners.
Climate change, over-consumption of natural resources and related conflicts, however, make it necessary to look at social development worldwide, not just from the point of view of short-term economic and military interests.

The full article is available at Helsingin Sanomat website.

Prague workshop “Towards an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda for Arctic Air Pollution”

On 2nd of April Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen was co-chairing a workshop “Towards an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda for Arctic Air Pollution” held in Prague, Czech Republic.

The Arctic is increasingly considered an Anthropocene climate frontier, as the man-made
consequences of global warming look set to first and foremost impact the circumpolar hemisphere. The region is expected to become increasingly important as climatic changes look set to spark industrial-scale resource extraction and increased transport and commodity shipping, in turn, spelling severe impacts for the regions ecological and cultural landscapes due to industrialisation and consequent increases in pollution emissions from local sources related to mining and shipping.
Simultaneously, the IPCC has called for enhanced involvement of the social sciences in formulating research responses to climate change as part of furthering collaboration between the natural and social sciences. In studying the developments that are happening right now, research exchange and collaboration is timely not only between academic disciplines, but also increasingly, with relevant local partners and society at large.

Professor Tynkkynen also gave a keynote presentation “Arctic Air Pollution – Global and Regional Policy Context”, moderated a session “Science-Informed Regulatory Frameworks”.

Additional information on the workshop can be found here and here.

Workshop “Soviet and Post-Soviet Imaginings of Climate”

The workshop, Soviet and Post-Soviet Imaginings of Climate, took place on March 29–30, 2017, at King’s College, London. The event was organised by Nottingham Trent University (Department of Politics and IR), with the support of King’s College’s Russia Institute and funding from the British Association of Slavic and East European Studies (BASEES) and the Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES). The conference tackled the theme of climate change as a scientific, environmental and political issue in the Soviet and post-Soviet sphere.
The workshop was divided into a day focused on the Soviet era and a day focused on the
Post-Soviet era. The keynote speakers were Jon Oldfield, University of Birmingham, and Elana
Wilson Rowe, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, respectively. The workshop enjoyed
presentations from scholars from Russia, UK, Finland, Norway, Hungary, Germany and

Professor Tynkkynen was taking part in it and presented a paper “The Environment in Russia’s Energy Diplomacy: Utilization of ‘The Year of the Environment 2017’ in State-Controlled Mass Media”

More information on the workshop.

Science and business in dialogue

On 23d of March Helsinki University Rector hosted an event “Science and business in dialogue”. Professor Tynkkynen gave a presentation titled “Environmental Effects of Energy Flows, Corporate Responsibility, and Environmental Discourse in Russia”.

Lecture: Russia, an Energy Giant: Fossil or Renewable?

Yesterday Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen was giving a lecture on energy politics, titled “Energiajätti Venäjä: fossiilinen vai uusiutuva?” (Russia, an Energy Giant: Fossil or Renewable?). The lecture was organised by Suomi-Venäjä Seura at Työväenmuseo Werstas auditorium in Tampere, and was part of the events of “Russia as a niighbour” series during the 100th year of Finnish Independence celebration. More information is available here.

Rakkaudesta tieteeseen

Strategic Research Council (STN) organised “Rakkaudesta tieteeseen” (From love to science) session on 14th of February. Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen took part together with Pami Aalto in the session “Globaali muutos ja Suomi” (Global Change and Finland), where they gave a talk titled “Suomen energiaturvallisuus muuttuvassa maailmassa” (Finnish energy security in the changing world).

You can watch a video of their presentation here.

Winland blog post

Sakari Höysniemi published a new blog post on the Winland project blog. The post titled “Arjen energiaturvallisuutta liikenteessä” (Energy Safety in Everyday Traffic) can be read here.

Yköösaamu on oil and Russia

Listen to the new episode of Ykkösaamu radio programme on Yle Radio – Venäjä vaikuttaa öljyn hintaan ja öljy Venäjään” (Russia affects oil prices and the oil affects Russia).

The impact of Russia on oil prices is on the rise and the impact of oil prices on Russia rises too. How has Russia become more active? Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Russian energy policy professor, and energy analyst Vesa Ahoniemi are interviewed.