Students’ sustainability course

The University of Helsinki Sustainability course (SUST-001) is a multidisciplinary course for all students of the University of Helsinki interested to obtain sustainability expertise and solve challenges related to sustainability. The course has been co-developed with over 160 members of the university community.

The course will introduce you to the complexity and multidisciplinarity of sustainability issues, along with their ethical and philosophical dimensions. The course will guide you to consider your role as a future professional and a member of society in solving sustainability issues, and provides you with tools for your own work. In addition, the course explores different perspectives of sustainability, like Global environmental commons, Human well-being and capabilities, Sustainable and just economies, Sustainable food systems and healthy nutrition, Climate change and just energy transitions, and Urban and peri-urban development. 

The pilot version of the course successfully took place in the spring of 2021 and was run again in the autumn. The course will run in the spring of 2022. Check more information about the course structure and spring 2022 schedule from here.

If you were not able to participate to the course this year you can always educate yourself with a preview version of the course which is open for everyone interested. Just log in as a guest and you will be able to see nearly everything that has been co-created for the course by our marvelously vast group of university researchers, teachers, students and other staff. Check the blog post about preview version of the course.  

We are constantly developing the course material based on the feedback we gathered during the pilot. Our next step is to make the material even more engaging by filming more content about sustainability that will help the students to see the global challenges from a different sustainability perspectives and translate the course into three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English.

Here you can see the process how the course was co-created with over 160 members of the university community:


Kestävyyskurssi pilotoitiin onnistuneesti keväällä 2021 ja kurssi käynnistyi uudelleen marraskuun alussa. Kestävyyskurssi on järjestetään jälleen kevätlukukaudella maaliskuussa 2022. Lisätietoa kurssin rakenteesta sekä kevään 2022 aikataulut löydät opintotarjonta -sivulta.

Voit vapaasti tutustua kestävyysteemoihin kurssin selailuversiossa, joka on avoinna kaikille kiinnostuneille. Kirjaudu kurssialueelle sisään vierailijana ja pääset tutustumaan opetusmateriaaliin, jota on ollut yhteiskehittämässä yhteensä yli 160 yliopiston tutkijaa, opettajaa, opiskelijaa ja muuta henkilökunnan jäsentä. Tarkemmat ohjeet selailuversioon pääsemiseksi ja linkin kurssialueelle löydät täältä.