Kestävyysosaaminen opetussuunnitelmatyössä -työpajan 7.12.2021 materiaalit

Yliopistopedagogiikan keskus HYPE ja Kestävyystieteen instituutti HELSUS järjestivät 7.12.2021 klo 9:15-10:45 Kestävyysosaaminen opetussuunnitelmatyössä -työpajan. Työpajassa esiteltiin Flammasta löytyvät opetussuunnitelmakauden 2023-2026 suunnittelun tueksi laaditut kestävyysosaamisen ohjeet, pohdittiin miten tieteenalakohtaista kestävyysosaamista voidaan vahvistaa sekä jaettiin tähän liittyviä käytäntöjä. Alla työpajan videotallenne sekä työpajassa jaetut materiaalit.



Työpajan powerpoint-diat

Video: Prof. Rodrigo Lozano: How to embed sustainability into university teaching?


Latauslinkki Osaamiskartta-työkaluun kestävyysosaamisen tunnistamiseksi opetussuunnitelmatyössä (Kestavyysosaamisen-vahvistaminen-osaamiskartat.docx)

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How to Embed Sustainability into University Teaching

How to embed sustainability into university teaching is the question that we asked from Rodrigo Lozano, Professor of Organisational Sustainability from the University of Gävle, Sweden who visited HELSUS at the beginning of November. See the interview below.

This video has English subtitles you can switch them on by clicking this icon: 

Professor Lozano has researched the ways of how to embed sustainability into university teaching with his team. He emphasises the need to understand that since every discipline is different it is not possible to cover every study program with the same sustainability. He encourages all persons involved in the curricula design process to ask themselves that, how your own discipline can contribute to sustainability. For example at the economic, environmental or social level. He also notes that, the aim is to make students also understand how their actions affect sustainability in their chosen careers.

Sustainability expertise to every study program at the University of Helsinki is a Strategic goal set by the board of the University. University of Helsinki Sustainability course was a starting point for work that now continues as a process of embedding the sustainability expertise widely into the programs. Since the work for new curricula of 2023-2026 has begun in the faculties and study programs of the University of Helsinki it is important to discuss and ideate on how to embed sustainability in a way that creates sustainability expertise for every student graduating from the University of Helsinki.

Hear more about Professor Lozano’s research and pedagogical approaches needed to embed sustainability expertise efficiently by watching the interview. Read also the sustainability expertise guidelines created to help in the curricula design process.

Additional reading:

Lozano, R. & Barreiro-Gen, M. (Eds.) (2021). Developing sustainability competences through pedagogical approaches : experiences from international case studies . Springer Nature.