Please note that this website is no longer updated. You can find all the latest information about AGORA and our activities on our new website https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/agora-for-the-study-of-social-justice-and-equality-in-education

EDISO is the joint Master of Arts (Education) program of the Department of Teacher Education and the Institute of Behavioural Sciences at the University of Helsinki. The name EDISO comes from the words education, diversities and social justice.

EDISO is an international master’s program in education that emphasizes diversities and social justice. The program is the extent of 120 ECTS, 2 years of full time studies. Maximum of 20 students are admitted to the program every second year.

AGORA is also related to EDISO along with other centers and research groups such as Education for Diversities at the Department of Teacher Education, The Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE) Justice through education in the Nordic Countries (JustEd)The ESC – Education, society and culture research and teaching focus at the Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Long Second at the Department of Teacher Education and the Research Centre for Religious Education, Ethics and Philosophy Education at the Department of Teacher Education.

You can read more about EDISO and how to apply from the EDISO web page. 
EDISO is also on Facebook.