China Law cooperation is growing at the Nordic level

The Director of the Center, Professor Liukkunen, and the Chair of the Center’s Board, Professor Nuotio, welcomed a delegation from the University of Bergen, led by Vice-Dean Professor Borvik  on Monday, 2 May 2016. This visit gave the opportunity to discuss the cooperation between Nordic scholars focusing on Chinese Law. The meeting was attended as well by Professor Letto-Vanamo, Professor Ditlev Tamm, representing the Danish Forum for Chinese Legal Culture, Dean Professor Shan Wenhua from Xi’an Jiaotong University and Dean Professor Shen Wei from Shandong University Law School.

The Vice-Dean Bjørnar Borvik presented the ongoing and growing cooperation with China based on student and staff mobility. He also shared his plans of developing this cooperation further by elaborating research projects into their activities. All the participants agreed that there is a growing interest among scholars and practitioners in exploring Chinese law in Nordic countries as well as in understanding the Nordic model in China. Various cooperation schemes are developing and therefore the discussants pondered the relevance of establishing in the future a Nordic network of China Law Centers.
