Lecture by Karen Pashby on the 9th of September

Fellow researcher Karen Pashby from the University of Oulu will be giving a lecture next Tuesday 9.9.2014, 12 o’clock at lecture room 229.

Critical Global Citizenship and Ethical Internationalization in Higher Education

For Whom, By Whom? A strategic mapping of internationalization in higher education strategies
When you think of international students, who do you think of? Who needs global citizenship education and why? What does it mean to be international and is it the same thing as being a global citizen? In the current era of both pushes for global citizenship education (e.g. by the UN in its post-2015 sustainable development goals agenda) and an imperative to internationalize higher education, what theoretical frameworks can we use to recognize possibilities and foreclosures in our good intentions to include others in a global or local community? How can we find strategic ways of highlighting an ethical and complex approach?

This presentation uses a variety of media text and shares scholarly research to illustrate the main factors in the growing momentum towards a critical approach to global citizenship education in theory and practice. It identifies and analyses the central critical impulses in moves towards critical global citizenship education in NGO work and school curriculum. It then connects this movement to the growing rush for internationalization in higher education by using a strategic mapping exercise to identify foreclosures and possibilities in how university documents position the role of international students in their internationalization strategies.

Dr. Karen Pashby as a Visiting Scholar in AGORA

Karen Pashby received her PhD from University of Toronto in a combined program, Philosophy of Education and Comparative, International, and Development Education. Her dissertation, Related and Conflated: A Theoretical and Discursive Framing of Multiculturalism and Global Citizenship Education in the Canadian Context, combined theoretical and empirical work to map out overlapping and contradicting impulses in theory, research literature, policy, and lesson plans.

Currently, she is at the University of Oulu where she is the postdoctoral researcher on a large-scale international comparative project entitled Ethical Internationalism in Higher Education in Times of Global Crises which involves 28 universities in 10 countries.

A former secondary school teacher, Dr. Pashby was co-ordinator and instructor in the Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development cohort of teacher education at University of Toronto. She currently teacher Comparative Educational Research in the Globalisation and Education graduate program in Oulu. Previous research includes mapping ideologies and discourses of diversity in Canadian educational documents, perceptions of teachers and students to ethnic minority issues, and the impact of neoliberal reforms on teachers who identify as social-justice and equity activists.

She has also published a number of articles and book chapters on critical and postcolonial conceptualizations of global citizenship education.

During 2014 Dr. Pashby gives several lectures in AGORA. In addition she gives supervision to PhD-students.

Critical Thinking at Suomenlinna

The last session of the Bringing Critical Thinking Into Life in the Academia workshop was held at beautiful Suomenlinna on May 16th. The grande finale of the workshop was all about the presentations of the participants. We also had the honor to have Professor Paul Ilsley talking about critical pedagogy and examining the roles of visions and actions and discussing the group work.


Prof. Paul Ilsley and some of the participants of the workshop

Later on there will be writings by the participants and the organizing committee in the Wall section based on group work, lectures and discussions of the workshop.

Thank you all the participants, all the guest lecturers and the organization committee for a wonderful year full of discussions, critical debates and ideas about critical thinking!


A group presenting their dialogue about 'wellbeing'

Different perspectives for critical thinking and taking political and academic action will also be discussed in the AGORAs future events. .

More information on the workshop in the Teaching section.

Guest Lecture: The Emotional and Therapeutic Turn in Education

We had the pleasure to have Professor Kathryn Ecclestone from University of Sheffield visiting JustEd in April 2014. Professor Ecclestone gave an open lecture at the Institute of Behavioral Sciences on April 10th and a speech at the AGORA opening next day on the emotional and therapeutic turn in education.


The lecture materials are now available in the PDF-file below.

Kathryn Ecclestone’s lecture in April 2014.

Akateeminen aktivismi puhuttaa

AGORA-tutkimuskeskuksen avajaisten osana järjestettiin keskustelutilaisuus teemalla akateeminen aktivismi.

Keskustelun puheenjohtajina toimivat tutkijat Tuure Tammi ja Ina Juva ja keskustelijoina tutkijat Sanna Ryynänen, Juha Suoranta, Milja Saari, Syksy Räsänen ja opiskelija Mimmi Piikkilä.

Keskustelu on nyt katsottavissa:

Video: Mikael Kivelä

Aihe on herättänyt runsaasti kiinnostusta ja sen parissa käytyä keskustelua jatketaan syksyllä 2014.

Hanna Guttormin väitöstilaisuus

Kasvatustieteilijä Hanna Guttormin väitöskirja Sommitelmia ja kiepsahduksia: Nomadisia kirjoituksia tutkimuksen tulemisesta (ja käsityön sukupuolisopimuksesta) tarkastettiin Helsingin yliopistossa 25.4.2014. Guttorm haastaa jälkistruktualistiseen teoriaan nojaavassa autoetnografisessa väitöskirjassaan monia perinteisen tieteellisen kirjoittamisen tapoja. Hän käyttää esimerkiksi runoja ja proosallista tekstiä tapoina tuoda esiin tutkimusprosessin sisältämiä monenlaisia polkuja.


Väittelijä Hanna Guttorm, kustos Elina Lahelma (HY) ja vastaväittelijä professori Juha Varto (Aalto-yliopisto).

Väitöskirja on luettavissa E-thesiksessä.

Hanna Guttormin artikkeleita löytyy myös AGORAn nettisivujen Publications-osiosta.



Språkmöten-seminaari järjestettiin Minerva-torilla 23.4.2014. Päivän aikana kuultiin puheenvuoroja ja käytiin keskustelua suomen- ja ruotsinkielisten kieliparikoulujen yhteiskunnallisen kontekstin ja oppilaiden ja opettajien kieliarkipäivään liittyvistä tutkimuksista.

Projektin vetäjä Fritjof Sahlström ja tutkijat Tuuli From, Michaela Pörn, Anna-Slotte Lüttge, Verneri Valasmo ja Linn Nybäck kertoivat tarkemmin omista tutkimuksistaan. Puheenvuoroja oli kutsuttu kommentoimaan Pasi Saukkonen (Cupore) ja Liisa Tainio sekä Jan-Erik Mansikka ja Mikaela Björklund.


Tuuli From kertoi käynnissä olevasta kulttuurintutkimuksellisesti painottuneesta väitöskirjatutkimuksestaan, jossa hän tarkastelee kieliparikouluja muun muassa tilallisuuden näkökulmasta.

Tarkempi ohjelma ja lisää seminaarista Språkmöten-projektin omilla sivuilla osoitteessa https://blogs.helsinki.fi/sprakmoten

AGORA Opening on 11th April

Thank You all who participated in the AGORA opening last Friday 11th April!


Opening words by Kristiina Brunila.

(Picture: R. Forss)


Tuure Tammi, Ina Juva, Sanna Ryynänen, Mimmi Piikkilä, Juha Suoranta, Milja Saari and Syksy Räsänen discussing on academic activism.

(Picture: M. Kivelä)


Welcome to the AGORA!

The AGORA for the study of social justice and equality in education is a research community and a research centre at the University of Helsinki. The centre consists of research groups and individual researchers that share multidisciplinary approach to the questions of social justice and equality through the whole educational system and beyond.

The AGORA Centre is also the Helsinki centre for the Nordic Centre of Excellence: Justice through Education in the Nordic Countries. See more at JustEd WebSite.