Uusi kurssi GIS in Society alkaa 12.9.

Syksyllä 2016 käynnistyy uusi modulaarinen kurssi GIS in society, jossa tarkastellaan paikkatietoa ja geoinformatiikkaa yhteiskunnan näkökulmasta. Kurssi on modulaarinen ja siihen kuuluu eri ihmisten pitämiä luentoja, keskusteluja sekä itsenäistä ja ryhmätyöskentelyä. Opettajana toimii Tuuli Toivonen.

GIS in Society course familiarizes the participants with the current issues of GIS in society:  Who are the actors in the field of geoinformatics, what are the current trends and topics of discussion, how GIS is being used in different sectors of the society and what are the critical voices saying?

The course lasts for the entire year and the participants pass it by completing 3 modules out of 4. Each module starts with a kick of meeting and continues with individual or group work, depending on the module. Each module is reported with a report, a poster or a video, depending on the task. In this course the students are actively seeking for information and understanding, instead of being taught in a classic classroom setting. The course is passed by collecting 3 finalized modules.