Kuntaelinvoiman palapeli

Pasi Saukkonen, projektitutkija, Alue- ja kuntatutkimuskeskus Spatia

Palapelissä on useita, tiiviisti tosiinsa nivoutuvia paloja. Jos niitä puuttuu, se särkee arvoituksen ratkeamisen ja kuvan muodostumisen. Kuntien elinvoimassa on analogiaa tähän historialliseen peliin. Kuntaelinvoiman palapelin kokoamiseen tarvitaan nyt uutta lähestymistapaa ja innokkaita rakentajia. Lue loppuun

Geran-Marko Miletić: Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar in Zagreb, Croatia

My name is Geran-Marko Miletić. I am a sociologist and I work as a senior scientific associate at the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar in Zagreb, Croatia. My research interests are broadly concerned with the sociology of settlements and social aspects of local development. However, neighbourhood social cohesion, local social relationships and community wellbeing in areas with larger density of second homes are topics that have been attracting me for a long time. So far, I have been involved in two projects regarding second home development in Croatia. In the first project, conducted 15 years ago, I was engaged as a young researcher, and that project provided the starting point for my PhD thesis titled ‘Social Aspects of Second Home Use in Croatia’. The second project titled ‘Second Homes and Social Sustainability of Local Communities in Croatia’ ended in 2017, and I was the principal investigator for this project. Lue loppuun

Raili Nugin: Tallinn University, Estonia

I am Raili Nugin, a researcher in Tallinn University, Centre for Landscape and Culture, Institute of Humanities. I have somewhat interdisciplinary background, gaining my MA degree in history and PhD in sociology: I always tend to look the contemporary social trends in historic perspective. Most of my current colleagues in Centre for Landscape and Culture have human geography background and so I have indulged a bit also into this discipline, as my main research interests are connected with social processes in rural areas. Lue loppuun