Mushroom quiche

One of my favourite mushroom recipes is a quiche with chanterelles and since it’s still yellowfoot chanterelle season I wanted to share this with you. It makes a tasty and filling meal since there’s wholegrain and lots of veggies. It’s perfect with tea or coffee. 1,5 dl of oats and 1,5 dl of graham flours […]

Vegan pumpkin pie

Since childhood my preferred “birthday cake” has always been pumpkin pie. Despite my July birthday, my Aunt Kathy always indulges this seasonally/socially inappropriate request with one of her remarkable homemade pies.  Well guess what Aunt Kathy- this pie isn’t as good as yours. BUT it’s November, so 1.) it’s socially acceptable to eat/make, and 2.) […]

Cabbage casserole with lentils and barley

Cabbage is tasty and so on-season! Cabbage casserole is usually made with rice but in this recipe I’ve replaced it with barley pearls (ohralisuke in Finnish). It’s wholegrain and grown in Scandinavia so it’s healthier and less CO2 intensive than white rice. This recipe is for a big casserole, mine was 29 x 19 x […]