Gluteeniton quiche

Hyvää ruokahalua ihanat! If you’ve read other posts you may have noticed Kaisa and I actively avoiding wheat, rice, and corn in our recipes, as well as trying to source our ingredients from within the EU. With this recipe I wanted to explore gluteeniton quiche- and we’re in Finland- so potatoes happened. Beware: the following recipe is […]

Stuffed mushrooms with oven-baked potatoes

This is a really simple dish to prepare and it’s absolutely delicious! The mushrooms are quickly made so you can do them while the potatoes are in the oven. The shrooms are ready when the cheese has gotten some colour, no need to bake them longer than that since they’ll only start releasing liquid. Oven-baked […]

Pumpkin dumplings

To be fair these are actually butternut squash dumplings, but where is the fun in that. Read: deliciously savory oat-based gooey pumpkin pods, served with an herby sauce. Vegan, and free of rice + corn + wheat. Best served wiiiiiittthhhhhh friendship. WARNING: Duration of cook time increases exponentially in relation to the number of coffee breaks […]