Lux Humana – Book of the Week 33 / 2012 : Doctor stories











Richard Selzer: Doctor stories , (1998)


Publisher’s description:

The Doctor Stories is Richard Selzer’s selection of his own short stories, culled from three decades of writing, along with two new stories and an introduction detailing his literary beginnings. Drawing from his classic books, Selzer portrays the interactions of people at moments of crisis and drama. His signature style is apparent in every sentence: humane, observant, passionately descriptive, and particular, always connecting the intimate with the largest questions of life and death.”


Access in Helka-database:



Excerpt from “Whither Thou Goest” from The Doctor Stories by Richard Selzer
The President’s Council for Bioethics, July 2002 Meeting

Book Review: The Doctor Stories. Richard Selzer
Mahala Yates Stripling
Journal of Medical Humanities, vol. 21, no.3, 2000, p. 181-183

The Doctor Stories, [Book Review]
Tony Miksanek
JAMA, vol. 280, no.16, p. 1457, (October 1998)|1|sl_11131208

Selzer, Richard : The Doctor Stories
Jack Coulehan, 14.10.1998
Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database ; New York University

The surgeon storyteller: a last interview with Richard Selzer
Mahala Yates Stripling
Hektoen International : a Journal of Medical Humanities, vol. 4, no. 2, Summer 2012

Wounded with wonder: A talk with Richard Selzer.
Peter Josyph
Studies in Short Fiction, Summer -90, vol. 27, no.3, p. 321-328

Doctor/Writer: Richard Selzer, [Interview]
Teen Ink

Richard Selzer: Premiere American Surgeon-Writer
Luis H. Toledo-Pereyra
Journal of Investigative Surgery, (Dec. 2007), vol. 20, no. 6, p. 319-323

The physician as writer
Richard Selzer
Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, vol. 78, no. 1, p. 1-7, (1990 Jan.)

Trial and Tribulation
Richard Selzer
The New York Times, 23.9.1990

Stories for a humanistic medicine
Richard Selzer, Rita Charon
Academic Medicine, vol. 74, no. 1, p. 42-44, (1999)

Dr. Selzer’s Papers in the Moody Medical library at the University of Texas






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