Lux Humana – Book of the Week 50 / 2011 : Right of Thirst

Frank Huyler : Right of Thirst , (2009)


Publisher’s description:

“Shattered by his wife’s death, and by his own role in it, successful cardiologist Charles Anderson volunteers to assist with earthquake relief in an impoverished Islamic country in a constant state of conflict with its neighbor. But when the refugees he’s come to help do not appear and artillery begins to fall in the distance along the border, the story takes an unexpected turn.

This haunting, resonant tour de force about one man’s desire to live a moral life offers a moving exploration of the tensions between poverty and wealth, the ethics of intervention, the deep cultural differences that divide the world, and the essential human similarities that unite it.”


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When a Doctor Is More, and Less, Than a Healer
Abigail Zuger
The New York Times , 24.8.2009

Without Borders
Robert Hanks
The New York Times , 13.8.2009

The unknown patients
Brodie Ramin
BMJ , vol. 240, 20.2.2010, s. 426

Frank Huyler’s Homepage





Lux Humana on lääketieteen opiskelijoille  ja terveydenhuollon  ammattilaisille suunnattu humanistinen kirjakokoelma Terkossa. Siellä voit tavata ylioppilas Raskolnikovin, Sinuhe egyptiläisen ja Nalle Puhin ; voit tutustua Tsehovin, Kafkan tai Kierkegaardin maailmoihin ; voit perehtyä lääketieteen  filosofiaan, sosiologiaan tai historiaan. Lähes 3000 kokoelmaan tarkoin valittua teosta odottaa sinua, joka haluat avartaa näkemystäsi ihmiselon eri puolista.

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tai paikan päällä Terkossa (Haartmaninkatu 4).


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