Media review of Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen’s comments on the Fortum issue

Article “Miksi Fortum asetettiin Venäjän virallisessa lehdessä kielteiseen valoon? Tutkija: Voidaan nähdä näpäytyksenä Suomelle, kovistelulla on valtion ylimmän johdon hyväksyntä” (Why Fortum was presented in a negative light in the Russian official newspaper? Researcher: It can be seen as a telling Finland to get back in line, and this arm-twisting was approved by the  state’s top management) was published yesterday in Helsingin Sanomat. Read the full article here. refered to the HS’s article in its piece titled “Fortum ja Kremlin aito tahto” (Fortum and Kremlin’s true willl), published on 30th of April.

Another article “Fortumin mukaan Venäjällä on menossa lokakampanja – ‘taustalla kaupalliset syyt'” (According to Fortum, there is a smear campaign in Russia – ‘behind are commercial reasons’) was published in Savon Sanomat on 17th of April. Read there an interview with Professor Tynkkynen. This article was also published in IlkkaForssan Lehti, Keskisuomalainen and Karjalainen.

A big interview with Professor Tynkkynen “Asiantuntija: Nato mainittu – Venäjän Fortum-lokakampanjassa myös ulkopoliittinen viesti” ( Expert: NATO is mentioned – Russian Fortum – smear campaign includes also a foreign policy message) was published on 17th of April in Iltalehti.