Winland policy brief

Winland released a new policy brief titled “Riskienhallinta, kestävyys ja vastuullisuus –  Yritysten arvoketjut energia-, ruoka- ja vesiturvallisuuden ytimessä” (Risk management, sustainability and accountability – Firm’s value chains in regard to energy, food and water security) – a set of recommendations for Finnish companies to achieve better sustainability in their entrepreneurial activity.

What do global crises of energy, food and water mean to Finnish companies? Our latest policy brief for companies was released in the morning seminar on June 14th.
Firm’s value chains are the most important structures for energy, food and water production and consumption. Risk management, sustainability and accountability of value chains should be seen as an inseparable part of each other and a prerequisite for continuity management.

Read the brief here (in Finnish).