Climate Denial Revisited (Re)contextualising Russian Public Discourse on Climate Change during Putin 2.0

Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen published a new article “Climate Denial Revisited (Re)contextualising Russian Public Discourse on Climate Change during Putin 2.0” in Europe-Asia Studies, that he co-wrote with Nina Tynkkynen.

In this article we examine Russia’s recent public discourse on climate change, with a special focus on the arguments denying anthropogenic climate change. We scrutinise the ways in which denial arguments presented in the media are tied to the changing Russian political and economic context, especially the increasingly authoritarian turn in governance during President Vladimir Putin’s third term in office (Putin 2.0). We conclude that the Russian discourse on climate change emphasises Russia’s Great Power status, identifying its sovereignty and fossil energy as the basis of this status. This discourse refers to key categories, including Russia’s national identity and the spatial–material characteristics of the Russian state.


Popularized version of Hanna Lempinen’s and Lassi Heininen’s article published in Versus

A popularized version of “Paikallisten elämäntyylit, alkuperäiskansojen kulttuurit? Kulttuuri ja sen kestävyydet arktisten valtioiden strategioissa.” article by Hanna Lempinen  and Lassi Heininen was published in Versus online research forum. The piece is titled “Ovatko kulttuurit vain välineitä arktisille valtioille?” (Are cultures only instruments for the Arctic states?).

In the article the question of what the Arctic states mean by culture and how they talk about their cultures, their meaning, and their future in their Nordic strategies. You can read the full article and the comments written by Artic researchers on it at the Versus website.


Sakari Höysniemi’s new blog post for Winland project

Read a new blog post for the Winland project, written by Sakari Höysniemi and titled “Energiahuollosta kohti energiaturvallisuutta” (From Energy Supply to Energy Security).

There is little talk about energy security in Finland. Instead, the concepts of energy security or security of supply are usually used. These definitions may exclude from the discussion the questions of fairness, responsibility, comprehensive security, or the many tight connections that the energy has in relation to other natural resources, writes Sakari Höysniemi from the University of Helsinki.

The full post is available on the Winland website.

Professor Tynkkynen on why MPs refrain from talking about Russia

A new article was published in Ilta-Sanomat today by Päivi Lakka. She tried to contact 200 Finnish MPs and ask them a few questions about Russia. However, many preferred not to answer. In her piece “Kommentti: Kun kansanedustajilta kysyy Venäjästä, miksi vastaus on hiljaisuus?” (Comment: When MPs are asked about Russia, why silence is the answer?) Päivi Lakka tries to understand the reasons for this silence and quotes the words of Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, who said that for Finns Russia is still a taboo and they avoid to speak of it too directly. Tynkkynen believes that many politicians deliberately avoid taking part in a public debate on Russia, as it is very easy to get tangled up in it.

Read the full comment here. Russian translation of the article is available on InoSMI.

Sanna Kopra’s postdoctoral project received funding from the AoF

Sanna Kopra’s postdoctoral research project “The Rise of China and Normative Transformation in the Arctic Region” received a 3-year funding from the Academy of Finland’s Research Council for Culture and Society. Sanna is one of 30 postdoctoral researchers who got the funding, while 260 people applied for it.

The main criteria for financing decisions were, according to the funding principles of the Academy of Finland, the high scientific quality of the research plan and the qualifications of the applicant. In its funding decisions, the Research Council for Culture and Society notes in particular those postdoctoral researchers whose high-quality research plans combine strong academic and societal importance and scientific innovation.

Sanna Kopra’s paper received international award

Researcher from our team Sanna Kopra received the International Studies Association English School Section’s Outstanding Research Paper Award for her work “China and international climate responsibility: Agency and Institutional Change”. Congratulations to Sanna!

Picture by Liisa Kauppila, taken from Aleksanteri Institute website. article about Finland’s reaction to Delyagin’s column

Russian digital media published yesterday an article “Delyagin is afraid to be left without heat and light because of the Finns” (Делягин боится остаться без тепла и света из-за финнов), where an interview with Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen was given. Commenting on the reasons behind publishing Delyagin’s article in “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, Professor Tynkkynen believes that there were several of them:

First, of course it is the deal between Fortum and Uniper, because of which the Finnish energy company has noticeably increased its influence on the Russian market. And secondly, it is the political situation <…>. Nowadays there is a confrontation due to Syrian issue,  British Skripals’ case, so one should not exclude that this is a Finnish message – we can interfere with your Russian business.

For Russia, Tynkkynen states, energy is connected to foreign policy, For example, in “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” among other things Finland’s position on NATO is mentioned, which remains open. According to Tynkkynen, Mikhail Delyagin represents a nationalistic camp, that has a negative attitude towards foreign companies in Russia. Perhaps, he thinks, that it is an attempt of indirect influence on Finnish side. Similar tactics was used by Russia before, for example with issues concerning children, when different actors criticised Finland, but top officials did not take part in it. However, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen is certain that “the attack on Fortum makes no sense”.

For Russia it is not very wise to threaten Fortum, that made the project of nuclear power plant “Hanhikivi 1” construction possible – the project that is carried out in Finland by Rosatom.

Read the full article here.


Media review of Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen’s comments on the Fortum issue

Article “Miksi Fortum asetettiin Venäjän virallisessa lehdessä kielteiseen valoon? Tutkija: Voidaan nähdä näpäytyksenä Suomelle, kovistelulla on valtion ylimmän johdon hyväksyntä” (Why Fortum was presented in a negative light in the Russian official newspaper? Researcher: It can be seen as a telling Finland to get back in line, and this arm-twisting was approved by the  state’s top management) was published yesterday in Helsingin Sanomat. Read the full article here. refered to the HS’s article in its piece titled “Fortum ja Kremlin aito tahto” (Fortum and Kremlin’s true willl), published on 30th of April.

Another article “Fortumin mukaan Venäjällä on menossa lokakampanja – ‘taustalla kaupalliset syyt'” (According to Fortum, there is a smear campaign in Russia – ‘behind are commercial reasons’) was published in Savon Sanomat on 17th of April. Read there an interview with Professor Tynkkynen. This article was also published in IlkkaForssan Lehti, Keskisuomalainen and Karjalainen.

A big interview with Professor Tynkkynen “Asiantuntija: Nato mainittu – Venäjän Fortum-lokakampanjassa myös ulkopoliittinen viesti” ( Expert: NATO is mentioned – Russian Fortum – smear campaign includes also a foreign policy message) was published on 17th of April in Iltalehti.


Professor Tynkkynen’s comments on the Hanhikivi 1 plant

“Finland Project Management Roundup” by Jouko Vaskimo was published in PM World Journal. In the report Professor’s Tynkkynen’s comments about the Hanhikivi 1 plant are given:

The plant is expected to generate approximately 10% of Finnish electricity demand.
Rosatom has 34% ownership of the plant, which translates to Rosatom supplying 3% of
Finland’s electricity production according to Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, professor of
Russian energy politics at University of Helsinki. Professor Tynkkynen argues Russia
may use its ownership of the plant to attempt manipulating Nordic power prices, or use
it to leverage political disputes the same way Russia is already using its gas supply in
disputes with neighboring countries such as Ukraine.

ISA 2018

Sanna Kopra took part at the International Studies Association Conference, held in San Francisco on 4-7 of April. Together with Liisa Kauppila she gave a presentation “China and the Construction of the Arctic International Society” at the panel “East Asia and the Future of International Society”.