Sanna Kopra – Arctic Centre’s Face of the Month

Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, chose Dr. Sanna Kopra as their new Face of the Month. In the article, published on their website, you can get to know Sanna better both as a person and as a researcher:

Sanna Kopra Helsingissä 15.05. 2019. Compic/Kimmo Brandt

Sanna Kopra is researching China’s climate policy and Arctic policy. As a researcher, she is motivated by environmental concerns and the pursuit of social justice.

Kopra spent the first months of the year in Tromsø. By the sea, embraced by the mountains, she really felt that she was in an Arctic city. She has not captured the same feeling in Rovaniemi.

– Perhaps Rovaniemi is so familiar that it doesn’t feel like an Arctic city, Kopra reflects.

During her studies, Kopra lived in Rovaniemi for many years and has often returned to the city. Since last autumn, she has worked in the Arctic Centre with The rise of China and normative transformation in the Arctic region – a research project funded by the Academy of Finland. 

Kopra lives in Mäntsälä countryside with her family, dogs and chickens. She works mostly at home, but travels to the Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki a couple of times a week. She works there as a visiting researcher and shares an office with her colleagues.

– It is important to be part of a work community also physically, not only remotely. 


Trip to Novy Urengoy

From 20 to 26 of May four researchers of our group, Sohvi Kangasluoma, Elena Gorbacheva, Francesco Durante, and Stephanie Hitztaler, were in Novy Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of Russia. Novy Urengoy is an industrial city located in the Russian Far North with one of the largest gas fields in the world, and is one of the towns included to the study of Wollie project. Together with the researchers of our group, Professor Florian Stammler, Principal Investigator of the project from Finnish side, and Associate Professor Aytalina Ivanova, Principal Investigator from Russian side, also traveled to Novy Urengoy to study youth welfare in the city.

Continue reading “Trip to Novy Urengoy”

Professor Tynkkynen presented his forthcoming book

On 23-25 of May “5th Eastern Platform – Tartu Seminar, #BerlinWall30 –What future for the post-cold war liberal order?” was organised in Tartu, Estonia. Professor Tynkkynen participated in it and presented his forthcoming book “The Energy of Russia. Energy Power, Hydrocarbon Culture and Climate Change” at the panel “The Multifarious Biopolitics at Europe’s Eastern Margins”.

More information on the seminar can be found online.

Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen interviewed for Kauppalehti article

Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen was interviewed for the “Euroopan ja Venäjän kaasukiistan ainekset alkavat olla kasassa – Venäjä voittaa ja maakaasun hinta uhkaa raketoida” (European and Russian gas dispute is beginning to pile up – Russia is winning and the price of natural gas threatens to rocket), article, published today at Kauppalehti.

Commenting on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, Professor Tynkkynen said:

If Denmark does not give permission to the pipeline project and the United States will implement its threat of sanctions, Germany will be angry with the United States, further weakening the relationship across the Atlantic. In that situation, Russia would surely use its gas pipelines going through Ukraine to put pressure on the pipeline project.

Read the full version of the article online.

Sanna Kopra discussed Agenda 2030 and its implementation in Finland at Maailma kylässä festival

Our researcher Sanna Kopra took part in the panel discussion at Maailma kylässä (World Village) Festival, that was held on 26th of May, Sunday. The theme of the discussion was “Miten Suomi on pärjännyt Agenda 2030 -tavoitteiden toteuttamisessa?” (How has Finland succeeded in implementing Agenda 2030?). Sanna and other experts discussed how education, reducing inequalities, and peace and justice are linked to climate change and how Finland has succeeded in achieving these and other Agenda 2030 goals.

Energinen rannikkoseutu 2050

On 24-25th of May in Oulu event “Energinen rannikkoseutu 2050, Vaihtoehtoja ydinvoimalle, energiantuotantoon liittyvälle päätöksenteolle ja teollisuuskohteiden ennallistamiselle” (Energy Coastal Region 2050, Alternatives to nuclear power, energy-related decision-making and industrial site restoration) was organised. Our PhD researcher Sohvi Kangasluoma took part in the “Energiantuotanto, sosiaaliset innovaatiot ja koettu historia. Vaihtoehtoiset energiantuotantomuodot” (Energy production, social innovation and experienced history.
Alternative forms of energy production) workshop through video presentation – Sohvi was not able to join the workshop herself due to the visit to Novy Urengoy our group members had same time.

Sohvi’s presentation was titled “Feministisen näkökulman tarjoamia tapoja tarkastella energia- ja ympäristöpolitiikkaa Suomessa” (Offered by a feminist perspective ways to look at energy and environmental policies in Finland). More information about the event can be found online.

Article with commentary by Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen on Nord Stream 2 project and its realisation published in Lännen media

A new article citing Professor Tynkkynen “EU ostaa liian lepsusti energiaa Venäjältä – Tutkija: EU-maiden pitäisi käyttää enemmän valtaansa ja asettaa tiukemmat ehdot energian hankkimiseksi” (The EU is buying energy carelessly from Russia – Researcher: EU countries should use more power and impose stricter terms for energy acquisition) was published in Lännen media newsroom.

The United States have once again announced their intention to put the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project on its sanction list. According to the criticism, Germany and Europe are becoming “prisoners” of Russia, as countries’ dependence on energy imported from Russia increases.

– Trump’s attention is in the right direction, but the means to reduce the dependency are wrong. The answer should be a stronger EU common energy policy, but Trump cannot propose that, says Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Associate Professor in Russian Environmental Studies at the University of Helsinki.

The article is written by Mina Akimo and can be read in Turun Sanomat, Kaleva, Satakunnan Kansa, and other newspapers of the production company.

Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen is giving a talk “Hydrocarbon Culture in the making in Russia” today

Today Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen is giving a talk “Hydrocarbon Culture in the making in Russia” at Kielikeskus (Language Center) sh.204 (Fabianinkatu 26) from 16:15 to 17:45. The talk is part of the Environmental Humanities Forum and is open for everyone to attend.


Hydrocarbon culture in the making – Energy, culture & identity in Russia

Today Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen is giving a talk ” Hydrocarbon culture in the making  Energy, culture & identity in Russia” at the faculty’s seminar: Impact of the Humanities on Science and Society at University of Helsinki, Language Centre, room 115,  14:00-14:20.
The seminar is part of the Scientific Advisory Board visit to the Faculty. The theme of the seminar gathers together approaches such as reaching out of the academia, engaging with natural and technical sciences as well as other sciences, mutual impacts on one another, and so on. The seminar is open to the whole Faculty.

Professor Tynkkynen interviewed for the new article published in Kaleva

Professor Tynkkynen was interviewed for the new article “Kaleva-gallup: Enemmistö pitää Fennovoiman ve­nä­läi­so­mis­tus­ta tur­val­li­suusuh­ka­na – Tutkija: “Määrä on suuri, jopa huomattava” (Kaleva-Gallup: The majority considers Fennovoima’s Russian ownership as a security threat – Scientist: “The amount is large, even remarkable”) published in Kaleva newspaper this Monday, 6th of May.

The article shares results of the recent Kaleva Gallup, according to which 62 per cent of respondents living in Northern Finland believe that the Russians’ share in Finnish Fennovoima nuclear power plant project is a certain security threat. Professor Tynkkynen commented on the results of the poll and the meaning of Fennovoima project and nuclear power for Finland. Read his opinion on the issue in the full version of the article.