Meet the new HELSUS trainees!

Two new trainees started their internships at HELSUS this week in communication and development and organization of sustainability course. Below you can read their introductions and get to know them. 

Hello! My name is Tiia Kolari and I am a new trainee at HELSUS for spring 2022. I will be working with communication related to HELSUS seminars, Sustainability Science Days Conference 2022 and website updates. I am looking forward to the upcoming spring and new, interesting tasks and getting to know my co-workers. My first experience with HELSUS was participation in Co-Creation Lab in spring 2021 in which I enjoyed doing my master’s thesis. The Lab was a great opportunity to go deeper into sustainability issues and co-creation.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, and currently, I am finalizing my studies in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability master program. My studies focus on Global Sustainability with a special interest in consumer citizenship and sustainable transition as well as development studies. Most interesting sustainability topic for me is biodiversity, which is close to my heart, and I am interested in how it can be protected through behavioral change. Recently, I have become interested in political ecology especially regarding biodiversity and resource consumption. I wish to work towards sustainable future where nature is preserved. In my free time, I enjoy horse riding as my hobby and spending time outdoors. During next summer, I hope to start to put together a plant album and gain more knowledge on plant species.

Hello! My name is Salla Lenkola and I am a new HELSUS trainee for spring 2022. My responsibilities at HELSUS are mostly focused on developing and organizing the Sustainability Course but I am also looking forward to working on various other tasks with my new co-workers. I’m a student in the General and Adult Education master’s program in the faculty of Educational Sciences. I did my bachelor’s thesis concerning culturally sustainable education and cultural identity and I am hoping to deepen my knowledge on the same themes as I start my master’s thesis next fall. I have about a year and a half left in my studies and I am also planning to do a semester abroad before I graduate. In the future, I want to help to build a sustainable future for the next generations and make our educational system more inclusive and sustainable in all possible ways.

In my free time I love to spend time outdoors in the nature with friends and family. I also spend a great deal of my time volunteering in the Guides and Scouts leading my own group of Cub Scouts. I am very excited for the spring working at HELSUS and joining the team and the community. I am looking forward to learning more about sustainability work and education and being a part of creating a more sustainable future.