Kestävät tulevaisuudet -työpaja Helsingin yliopiston alumnipäivässä / Sustainable futures workshop at the University of Helsinki Alumni Day

(In English below)

Vuosittainen Alumnipäivä kokoaa yhteen Helsingin yliopiston tutkijat ja alumnit. Vuoden 2024 alumnipäivä järjestettiin toukokuussa teemalla ”Työkaluja (työ)elämään“. Kestävien yhteiskuntien rakentamiseen tarvitaan monenlaisia työkaluja, monitieteistä tietoa ja osaamista, toimintaa ja yhteistyötä. Alumnipäivän työpajassa tarkasteltiin ajankohtaisia keskusteluja osaamisesta ja kestävyydestä – näkökulmana aiheeseen tulevaisuusajattelu, joka on yksi keskeisistä kestävyysosaamisen osa-alueista. 

Työpajaan osallistuneet Helsingin yliopiston alumnit pohtivat, millainen voisi olla toivottu maailma vuonna 2050. 

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Meet the new HELSUS intern!


My name is Liinu Esterinen, and I am doing my internship here in HELSUS during this spring and summer of 2024. My responsibilities at HELSUS are mainly focused on Strengthening Sustainability Expertise –project. I will assist for example in developing Sustainability starts with us -course and its course materials, as well as in organizing workshops related to sustainability expertise research. The upcoming Sustainability Science Day conference in June will also be one of the main tasks.

I am currently writing my Bachelor’s thesis and finishing my studies in the Bachelor’s programme of Environmental Sciences. My studies are a multidisciplinary combination of social and environmental sciences as I am minoring in Global Development studies. I am planning to continue my studies in the Master’s Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS). My core interests are global justice, the social dimensions of green transition and a truly fair sustainability transformation. In my free time, I enjoy reading, arts and gardening – I have my own little vegetable garden. I am also active in student organization activities: it is now my second year on the board of the Association of Students in Environmental Sciences – MYY ry. This year I act as a vice chair.

I am very excited about this internship at HELSUS since I find interdisciplinary approaches and sustainability at a systemic level a very fascinating topic. I am particularly interested in conflicts between different dimensions of sustainability, especially the collisions between ecological sustainability and human rights. I am looking forward to learning more about sustainability science in practice and deepening my knowledge on sustainability research and multidisciplinary actions. It is great to get to know the people of HELSUS and learn from them!