Haku llmastoasiantuntijan erikoistumiskoulutukseen on päättynyt

Haku ensimmäiseen ilmastoasiantuntijan erikoistumiskoulutukseen päättyi viime viikolla. Saimme määräaikaan mennessä 51 hakemusta monipuolisesti eri taustoista tulevilta hakijoilta. Hakijoille ilmoitetaan valinnoista viimeistään 18.12.2023 ja koulutus alkaa maaliskuussa 2024.

Climate University -kumppaneista koulutusta ovat toteuttamassa Helsingin yliopiston lisäksi Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu, LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu, Oulun yliopisto, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu ja Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu.

Lisätiedot ilmastoasiantuntijan erikoistumiskoulutuksesta: https://www.helsinki.fi/ilmastoasiantuntijan-erko

Kuvat: Aleksi Vauhkonen 

Haku Ilmastoasiantuntijan erikoistumiskoulutukseen on auki 20.11. asti

Helsingin yliopisto on yhdessä Ilmatieteen laitoksen, Itä-Suomen yliopiston, Climate Leadership Coalitionin ja muiden Climate University -korkeakoulujen kanssa rakentanut uuden kaksivuotisen täydennyskoulutuksen, Ilmastoasiantuntijan erikoistumiskoulutuksen. Koulutus on suunniteltu toteutettavaksi työn ohella. Koulutuksen laajuus on 60 opintopistettä ja se tarjoaa valmiudet toimia vaativissa asiantuntijatehtävissä monialaista ilmastotietoa soveltaen.  Ensimmäinen koulutus alkaa maaliskuussa 2024. Hakuaika on 1.-20.11.2023.

Lue lisää: https://www.helsinki.fi/ilmastoasiantuntijan-erko

Art & science collaboration in times of the climate crisis

Think Corner / Tiedekulma
Monday 6.11.2023 13–15
Event in Facebook: https://fb.me/e/3375rsu65


This two-hour event is an interdisciplinary inquiry into the possibilities of art & science collaboration in times of the ongoing climate crisis. What can artists and scientists learn from each other, and how can their respective ways of sensing, processing and knowing be intertwined? What is the role of interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge production in the ongoing transition towards more sustainable ways of living on the planet?

The event will begin with the screening of Josefina Nelimarkka’s video work that delves into the world fo atmospheric motions and digital cloud formations. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion on art & science collaboration and the various ways in which artists and scientists relate to the atmosphere and the ongoing climate crisis. The panelists are professor Timo Vesala, curator Yvonne Billimore, curator Ulla Taipale and artist Josefina Nelimarkka.

After the panel discussion, there will be a possibility to network and meet with others that are interested in collaborating across disciplines. If you have an idea or an existing art & science project that you would like to share or find collaborators for, you can bring it with you.

Event streaming can also be followed online: https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/tiedekulma/suora-lahetys

The event is a part of the Climate University Annual Meeting 2023. You can sign up for the meeting through this link: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/climateuniversity/2023/09/15/climate-university-annual-meeting-2023-register-now/ 

Event is organized by the University of Helsinki, UniArts Helsinki, Hanken School of Economics and Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center ACCC.

New Climate University courses published

Today we had the joy to celebrate the publication of a brand new Climate University course Living with changing climate. Course is a masters’ level course for those interested in the use of open climate and weather data for real-life climate mitigation and adaptation actions. Course is done in collaboration with the University of Helsinki Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research and Faculty of Educational Sciences, Finnish Meteorological Institute and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Find out more about the course here.

Figure: Contents of the ‘Living with changing climate’ course. 

The course will be first time taught by the University of Helsinki, in collaboration with Finnish Meteorological Institute, 30.10.-11.12.2023, as a five credits course, open for anyone. University of Helsinki students can register in Sisu with course code ATM389, other Climate University students here and others via open university here.

Figure: Working group members are happy after finishing the work 5.10.2023. 


Syksyn alkajaisiksi myös Biodiversiteetti.nyt on julkistettu suomeksi. Itä-Suomen yliopisto on muokannut Biodiversity.now-kurssista suomenkielisen päivitetyn version, joka on nyt avoimesti tutustuttavissa täällä. Kurssi on myös opetuksessa 2.10.2023-31.5.2024 – ilmoittautuminen UEF-opiskelijoille 1.8.2023 – 15.5.2024 täällä ja Avoimen opiskelijoille 7.8.2023 – 9.5.2024 täällä.


University of Helsinki has also made a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the Climate University course Biodiversity.now. Course is part of the Una Europa Micro-Credential in Sustainability and can be studied any time here.


One more Climate University course is in a production phase. Forests and Climate Change is planned in collaboration with the University of Helsinki, the Natural Resources Institute Finland and the Finnish Meteorological Institute and will be published in autumn 2024.

Climate University Annual Meeting 2023 – register now!

Welcome to Climate University Annual gathering in Helsinki 6.-7.11.! Meetings are open to all interested in climate and sustainability education.


Mon 6.11.

12-13 Lunch (at own cost), Think Corner

13-15 Art & Science, Think Corner Stage, online streaming

  • Opening of the meeting
  • Art and science on the stage
  • Panel discussion: How can art & science collaboration help solving sustainability challenges? What do we need to learn from each other?
  • Invitation to CU Action Groups

15-17 Launch of CU Action Groups, Think Lounge (Think Corner 2nd floor)

17:30-18:30 Climate.now exhibition, Observatory of Helsinki

18- Coctails and networking, Observatory of Helsinki

  • Free for first 50 registered participants

Tue 7.11.

8:30 Coffee, Helsinki Edu Hub

9-11 Network topics, Helsinki Edu Hub

  • Summary of the action group launch, by group chairs
  • Recent advances in cross-studies, by Outi Lassi, University of Helsinki
  • Opportunity for teacher meetings
  • CU next steps

11 Lunch (at own cost), Restaurant Perho

12 Unifi Sustainability Seminar starts, Hanken School of Economics


Please register here by 19.10.: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/125294/lomakkeet.html



Helsinki Think Corner, Yliopistonkatu 4

Helsinki Observatory, Kopernikuksentie 1

Helsinki Edu Hub, Runeberginkatu 14-16

Restaurant Perho, Mechelininkatu 7

Hanken School of Economics, Arkadiankatu 22

Töölö Towers, Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 23 A


Participants are asked to reserve their own accommodation.

We have pre-booked 30 single rooms at Töölö Towers for those coming for the Climate University 2023 meeting. These rooms are 105€ per night, including a buffet breakfast. Töölö Towers is fairly close to Think Corner and right next to Helsinki Education Hub and Hanken School of Economics. The pre-booking is for 6.-8.11.2023 so those staying for the Unifi-Arene can stay in their accommodation. The discount code for the booking is CU2023 and the booking needs to be made by 2.10. through this link.


Climate University courses in autumn 2023

Several Climate University courses are offered this autumn. Please take a look!

Scheduled courses

Biodiversiteetti.nyt A (2 op) 2.10.2023-31.5.2024 – ilmoittautuminen UEF-opiskelijoille 1.8.2023 – 15.5.2024 täällä ja Avoimen opiskelijoille 7.8.2023 – 9.5.2024 täällä.

Biodiversity.now B (3 ECTS) 9.10.-5.12.2023 –  Registration for UEF students 1.8.2023 – 2.10.2023 here and open university students 7.8.2023 – 26.09.2023 here.

Climate.now (5 ECTS) 31.10.-12.12.2023 – University of Helsinki students can register with the course code ATM302, other Climate University students here and others here.

Ilmasto.nyt/Climate.now (2-5 op/ECTS) 30.10.-30.12.2023, Oulun yliopiston omat opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat Pepissä kurssikoodilla 766383A ja ristiinopiskelijat ilmoittautuvat lomakkeella täällä. / University of Oulu students can register with the course code 766383A in Peppi and other Climate University students using this form.

Living with changing climate (5 op) 30.10.-11.12.2023 – a new Climate University course! University of Helsinki students can register in Sisu with course code ATM389, other Climate University students here and others here.

Lukiolaisen Ilmasto.nyt (2 op) 30.10.-15.12.2023 – ilmoittautuminen Oulun avoimen yliopiston kautta täällä.

Sustainable.now (5 ECTS) 4.9.-22.10.2023 – University of Helsinki students can register with course code ATM378, other Climate University students here and others here.

Courses available on a continuous basis

Biodiversity.now (2 ECTS) available on a continuous basis from September 2023 onwards here (link updated 5.10.2023).

Climate.now (2 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – study and registration here.

Ilmastonmuutos -verkkokurssi / Climate Change -eLearning (2 op) 1.8.2023 – 17.6.2024. UEF:n opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat Pepin kautta (kurssikoodi 3352711) ja muut avoimen yliopiston kautta täällä.

Ilmasto.nyt – ilmastonmuutoksen peruskurssi / Climate.now  – Basic Course on Climate Change (2 op). Turun yliopiston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat kurssikoodilla MAAN6570-3005 ja muut Turun Avoimessa yliopistossa koodilla MAAN6570-3006 täällä.

Introduction to sustainability (3 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – study and registration here.

Johdatus kestävän tulevaisuuden opintoihin, A-osa (3 op) jatkuvasti suoritettavissa, Ilmoittautuminen UEF-opiskelijoille 1.8.2023 – 31.7.2024 täällä (kurssikoodi 5319404) ja avoimen opiskelijoille 7.8.2023 – 17.6.2024 täällä, sekä Kestävyysopintojen verkoston kautta ao. verkoston kumppanikorkeakoulujen opiskelijoille täällä (hakuajat 1.-14.8.2023 ja 17.-30.11.2023). Opintojakson arvostelu syyslukukaudella 12.11. sekä keväällä 29.2.2024, 31.5.2024 ja 31.7.2024.

Kiertotalous.nyt / Circular.now (3 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – University of Helsinki students can register with the course code MAAT-051B, other Climate University students here and others here.

Kiertotalous.nyt (3 op) opiskeltavissa itsenäisesti – Karelia ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat Pepissä kurssikoodilla IE10077 ja muut avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kautta täällä.

Kiertotalous.nyt (3 op) opiskeltavissa itsenäisesti 14.9.2023 – 15.5.2024 välisenä aikana. Avoinna UEF opiskelijoille täällä (ilm.aika 1.8.2023 – 15.5.2024),  ja avoimen opiskelijoille täällä (ilm.aika 8.8.2023 – 28.4.2024).

Una Europa Micro-Credential in Sustainability (10 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – find more info here.

Courses with restricted registration

Ilmastonmuutos (3-5 op) Jyväskylän yliopiston opiskelijoille kurssikoodilla BENA4036.

Ilmastonmuutos / Climate Change (5 op) 23.10.2023 – 11.12.2023. UEF:n opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat Pepin kautta, kurssikoodi 3352703.

Kiertotalous.nyt / Circular.now (5 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – University of Helsinki students can register with the course code MAAT-051.

Leadership for Sustainable Change as part of the course Leadership and Intercultural Communication in Master Programme in Circular Economy and Risk Management, 8.9.-15-12. 2023. TAMK students can register in Peppi with course code 5F00FY54-3002.

Sustainable.now (5 ECTS) available for UEF students on a continuous basis, course code YH00DJ30, grading 12.11.2023 29.2.2024 and 31.5.2024.

Sustainable.now (3-5 ECTS) 30.10.2023-15.12.2023 – LUT students can register with course code BH60A6801.


In spring 2024 at least the following courses will come available for cross-studying

Leadership for sustainable change (5 ECTS) Jan-Mar 2024

SystemsChange.now (5 ECTS) Jan-Apr 2024

Solutions.now (5 ECTS) Mar-May 2024

Sustainability Learning Café at the 2023 Sustainability Science Days: current and future themes, issues, and solutions in sustainability learning

Climate University, together with the Una Europa alliance, decided to pitch a parallel session to the 2023 Sustainability Science Days -conference, organised in Helsinki in May. The pitch was for a session like none before; ranging across multiple sessions, aiming to host several different discussion topics, and foremost letting the discussions around sustainability education and learning emerge as they did in the event. As the event started to resemble a café, with several tables for people to convene and talk, we asked for Oatly—a global leader in vegan products and Cafetoria roastery—a local pioneer of sustainable coffee to help us. 

The cafe took place over 2 days, consisting of 6 parallel sessions and 22 hosted discussions, with topics ranging from university staff sustainability training to utilising gaming in sustainability teaching to business and technology opportunities in sustainability learning. Along the days, there must have been more than 200 people visiting the café, of whom some appeared to engage with several different discussions and sessions and some just popped by to get a cup of coffee and vegan soft serve to go. As there were so many discussions parallelly ongoing, we asked for the table hosts to submit a report of their session, which we have collected to this separate blog. As the blog may hint, we are planning to reorganise such Sustainability Learning Café events in the future too. 

While going through the reports, one theme appeared prevalent; an aim for a more critical approach to sustainability learning and education. From suggesting that companies in their aims to drive the sustainability transformation ought to challenge the existing policies; to confirming that climate experts are needed in various fields and locations and university students and alumni can act as bridges for societal collaboration—and from realising the necessity of reflecting the effect of the existing culture to sustainability change to stating that there is a risk of academic greenwashing and that students ought to approach critically the information they are given. Although, this surely is just one theme—go read the session reports and see what you can find there!

Text: Janne Salovaara, University of Helsinki

Photos: Bernhard Reischl, University of Helsinki 

Climate University new vision and strategy for 2023-2027

Over the last couple of years, the Climate University has created high-quality online learning materials through multidisciplinary collaboration and established a large network of developers, teachers and users of Climate University courses. To ensure the continuity of our activities and identify new goals for the Climate University, we created a strategy working group at the CU Annual Meeting in Tampere in December 2022. The Climate University strategy 2023-2027 has been workshopped with the Climate University coordinators from each member institutions and accepted in coordinator meeting 24.5.2023. We decided to establish six Action Groups open for anyone and led by the CU coordinators.

We invite you to join us at the Learning Café at the Sustainability Science Days in Helsinki on 24.5.2023 to learn more about the vision and strategy and contribute to shaping the future of the Climate University!

Vision 2023-2027

Mission – why

We educate competencies the society needs to tackle the challenges of climate change and the sustainability crisis.


  • Re-think and respect for planet and people
  • Science-based trustworthiness
  • Openness and sharing
  • Interdisciplinary and cross-boundary collaboration
  • Bravery

Vision – what

Climate University is a brave forerunner in educating active sustainability makers for the society and business.

From vision to strategic aims

  1. Being a brave forerunner
    • Climate University is visible and recognized as an expert network and actor in climate and sustainability education in Finland.
    • Climate University courses are recognized as top-level material in climate change and sustainability education.
    • Climate University is a wanted partner in collaboraiton.
    • All HEIs in Finland join our network.
    • New international partners collaborate with us.
  2. Educating active sustainability makers
    • Network recognizes competence needs in the society.
    • Network co-designs education and provides quality materials for online teaching and learning.
    • Climate University has easy-access clear practices and a welcoming community.
    • Climate University provides students opportunities for action and networking.
  3. For the society and business
    • Our network promotes climate and sustainability actions in collaboration with society and business.



Action group 1: Coordination

Aim: Keeping CU up and running

Actions: Coordinator meetings, agreements, annual meetings, internal communications, network development, funding


Action group 2: Courses

Aim: CU courses are top-level material in climate change and sustainability education

Actions: Update courses (content and teaching methods + structure), new course initiatives, develop the platforms (student enrolment, digicampus…), pedagogical development


Action group 3: Communication

Aim: Inspiring people to participate

Actions: Develop website, blog, course advertisement, visual material; create a welcoming and lively atmosphere


Action group 4: Societal collaboration

Aim: CU is a wanted partner in collaboration

Actions: Societal collaboration with public, private and citizen sector organisations, as well as lower levels of education [schools]; life-long learning initiatives (including climate expert specialization education); preparing for funding opportunities


Action group 5: Academic collaboration

Aim: Sparking academic discussions around climate change and sustainability topics

Actions: Develop teacher network, find new ways for student engagement; mapping competencies and needs (for new CU courses); research done at CU and about CU


Action group 6: International collaboration

Aim: CU becomes international

Actions: Develop a strategy to expand beyond Finnish HEIs


Join the action groups

Here you can indicate your interest in joining one, or several, of the action groups: bit.ly/CUaction


Welcome Karelia UAS!

Karelia University of Applied Sciences has joined Climate University network – warmly welcome! We are now a network of 28 Higher Education Institutions. All students from these institutions can take Climate University courses from each other’s curricula for free.

– Joining the network is a way to offer all Karelia students, as part of their studies, the opportunity to increase their understanding of very important and current themes, such as circular economy systems. We also encourage our teachers to participate in courses and increase their knowledge of these issues, says vice-rector Pekka Auvinen.

Climate University coordinators in Karelia UAS are Salla Anttila and Kim Wrange.

Climate University courses for Summer 2023

Please find here Climate University courses you can study in summer 2023!

Courses with scheduled lectures:

Ilmasto.nyt tutustumiskurssi 2.5.–13.6.2023

Kurssi on ensisijaisesti suunnattu lukiolaisille sekä yliopistossa opintonsa aloittaneille opiskelijoille, mutta kaikki muutkin aiheesta kiinnostuneet ovat lämpimästi tervetulleita kurssille! Kurssilla ei ole esitietovaatimuksia. Ilmoittautuminen täällä.

Lisäksi Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulussa on mahdollista opiskella 31.7.2023 mennessä alla näkyvät opintojaksot koodeineen:

JD00BA30-3001 Ilmasto.nyt 5 opJD00BA31-3001 Kestävyys.nyt 5 opJD00BA32-3001 Kiertotalous.nyt 5 op

Opintojaksot ovat tarjolla Savonian Avoimessa ammattikorkeakoulussa osana Ilmastoturvallisuus 30 op osaajakoulutusta.

Continuously available online courses:

Una Europa Micro-Credential in Sustainability, 10 ECTS

Una Europa Micro-Credential in Sustainability is a 10-cr module, consisting of five continuously available courses: Introduction to sustainability, Climate.now, Biodiversity.now, Political Economy of Sustainability and Sustainability and the Arts.

Introduction to sustainability, 3 ECTS

Introduction to sustainability (based on Climate University course Sustainable.now) is continuously available as Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) via University of Helsinki. Registration via course learning platform.

Johdatus kestävän tulevaisuuden opintoihin, 3 op

A osa jatkuvasti auki etäsuoritteinen UEF tutkinto-opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat kurssikoodilla 5319404 .  Kestävyysopintojen verkoston kumppanikorkeakouluille (Jyväskylän yliopisto, Itä-Suomen yliopisto ja Turun yliopisto): kurssi suoritettavissa ilmaiseksi, ilmoittautuminen verkoston www-sivun kautta. Muut ilmoittautuvat avoimen yliopiston kautta  19.6. mennessä.

Climate.now / Ilmasto.nyt, 2 ECTS

Climate.now (2 ECTS) is continuously available as Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) via University of Helsinki here.

Climate.now / Ilmasto.nyt (2 ECTS) can also be studied in University of Eastern Finland with course code 3352711, either in English or in Finnish. Course is also open via open university here.

Kiertotalous.nyt / Circular.now, 3 ECTS

Kiertotalous.nyt / Circular.now course is available on a continuous basis – University of Helsinki students can register with the course code MAAT-051, other Climate University students here and others here (see the last link also for more info). The course is available both in English and in Finnish.

Leadership for sustainable change, 2 ECTS

Leadership for sustainable change is also available on a continuous basis for University of Helsinki students (course code ATM383, see course page for more info) and for Climate University students (registration here).