Ilmastowebinaari ja tutustumiskurssi lukiolaisille

Viime vuonna ensimmäistä kertaa järjestetty Ilmasto.nyt -tutustumiskurssi on saapumassa jälleen! Kurssi on tiivistetty versio jo monena vuonna järjestetystä Ilmasto.nyt ( -kurssista. Kurssi alkaa kaikille avoimella Nuorten Ilmastowebinaarilla, jossa tällä kertaa asiantuntijat käsittelevästi arktisia olosuhteita ja ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusta pohjoisessa. Niin opiskelijat kuin opettajatkin ovat tervetulleita sekä kuuntelemaan maksutonta webinaaria että osallistumaan kurssille.


Ilmasto.nyt tutustumiskurssi (2 op, kurssikoodi FYS4027 /Helsingin yliopisto)

Ilmasto.nyt -tutustumiskurssi järjestetään 3.5.–14.6.2022 Digicampus-kurssialustalla. Kurssi toimii pohjustuksena ilmastonmuutoksen tärkeille teemoille. Kurssin materiaali on itseopiskeltavaa, ja soveltuu sekä lukiolaisille että kandidaatin tutkintoaan suorittaville opiskelijoille. Kurssilla järjestetään tiistaisin klo 16–17 yhteinen Zoom-sessio, joissa uppoudutaan tarkemmin kurssin teemoihin ja joissa opiskelijoilla on mahdollisuus esittää kysymyksiä.

Kurssin kolme keskeistä teemaa ovat

  • ilmastonmuutoksen luonnontieteelliset perusteet
    (esimerkiksi kasvihuoneilmiö, hiilenkierto, ilmastomallit)
  • ilmastonmuutoksen hillintä
    (esimerkiksi hiilineutraali energia ja uusiutuvan energian tuotanto, hiilijalanjälki, ilmastopolitiikka)
  • ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset ja niihin sopeutuminen
    (esimerkiksi ekosysteemipalvelut, palauteilmiöt, ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen)

Kurssin tarkempi kuvaus löytyy kurssin wiki-alustalta:

Kurssille ilmoittaudutaan Avoimen yliopiston kautta:


Nuorten ilmastowebinaari – Arktinen meri ja jää muutoksessa

Arktinen meri ja jää muutoksessa -ilmastowebinaari järjestetään tiistaina 3.5.2022 klo 15-16. Webinaarissa ilmastonmuutosta lähestytään Arktisten alueiden näkökulmasta. Helsingin yliopiston tutkijat kertovat ajankohtaisista merivirtausten, jään sekä jäätiköiden tutkimuksista. Webinaari on osa Nuorten ilmastowebinaarisarjaa ja suunnattu lukiolaisille.

Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan yhdessä Ilmastoyliopiston tutkijoiden ja vierailevien puhujien kanssa!

Webinaarin ohjelma:




Helena Antikainen, projektikoordinaattori

Lukioiden korkeakouluyhteistyö pääkaupunkiseudulla –hanke

15.05-15.10 Helsingin Yliopiston Ilmakehätieteiden keskuksen esittely

Mikko Äijälä, tutkijatohtori

Helsingin yliopisto

15.10-15.30 Lämpenee vai kylmenee – heikkeneekö Golf-virta?

Sakari Salonen, Akatemiatutkija

Helsingin yliopisto   

15.30-15.45 Tutkimassa merta, jäätä ja lunta Huippuvuorilla

Joula Siponen, väitöskirjatutkija

Helsingin yliopisto

15.45-15.55 Ilmasto nyt –tutustumiskurssin esittely

Janina Taurinen, väitöskirjatutkija

Helsingin yliopisto

15.55-16.00 Webinaarin koonti

Webinaari on maksuton eikä edellytä kurssille ilmoittautumista. Ilmoittautuminen:

Webinaarin järjestävät yhteistyössä Helsingin yliopiston Ilmakehätieteiden keskus INAR, Helsingin kaupunki ja Lukioiden korkeakouluyhteistyö pääkaupunkiseudulla –hanke.

Huomaa myös:

Opettajien kansainvälinen ilmastonmuutosfoorumi (TCCF) 8.-9.8.2022:

Teachers’ Climate Change Forum 8.-9.8.2022:

Nuorille suunnattu pakopeli-konseptista inspiraation saanut Ilmastotarina:—mit%C3%A4-ilmastolle-tapahtui


Janina Taurinen

Helsingin yliopisto

Seven new members – welcoming webinar 25.4.2022

We are grateful to announce seven new members of the Climate Univeristy network: the Universities of Applied Sciences of Kajaani, Lapland, Oulu, Satakunta, Savonia, Tampere and Vaasa. Warmly welcome – we are now 25 Higher Education Institutions in total! From now on, the Climate University cross-study agreements allow all students of these institutions to take the Climate University courses for free. Find out more from the How to study? -site.  

We would like to welcome you all to a get-to-know webinar on 25 April 2022 at 12-14 Finnish time (EEST). In the webinar, we introduce Climate University network and practices, and hear more about our new partners. 

Program 25.4.

12.00 Welcome to Climate University /CU coordinator Laura Riuttanen  

  • What is Climate University? 
  • Climate University courses 
  • Course principles  
  • Cross-study agreements  
  • Co-teaching  
  • Coming courses 
  • Coordinator group + contact details  
  • Welcome new members 

Opportunity to ask and comment  

~12.30 What has CU to offer for Universities of Applied Sciences? /Piia Nurmi, Turku UAS  

~12.40 New partner introductions:   

  • Kajaani University of Applied Sciences / Heidi Karppinen
  • Lapland University of Applied Sciences / Sanna Tyni  
  • Oulu University of Applied Sciences / Jouni Kääriäinen 
  • Satakunta University of Applied Sciences / Riitta Tempakka (TBC)   
  • Savonia University of Applied Sciences / Jyri Wuorisalo  
  • Tampere University of Applied Sciences / Eija Syrjämäki  
  • Vaasa University of Applied Sciences / Riitta Niemelä (TBC)  

Opportunity to ask and comment 


Participation link will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.  

Registration by 24.4.:  


Climate University courses in spring 2022 (5 ECTS) – 14.3.-8.5.2022 – Turku UAS students register with the course code TE00BR31-3002, Metropolia students with the course code XX00DW15-3003, LAB students with the course codes  LA00BU68-3002 /AMK or LA00BU68-3003 /YAMK, University of Helsinki students with the course code ATM380, other Climate University students here (DL 28.2.). Please note that, or similar knowledge is required as pre-requisites. (5 ECYS) – 7.3.-22.4.2022 – LUT students register with the course code BH60A6801, no cross-study option, others can register via open university, here (DL 28.2.). / Ilmasto.nyt (2 ECTS) – independent study, open until summer 2022. UEF students register with the course code 3352711, no cross-study option, others can register via open university, here. Voit suorittaa kurssin myös suomeksi.

Ilmasto.nyt tutustumiskurssi (2 ECTS), perustuu Lukiolaisen Ilmasto.nyt -materiaaliin – touko-kesäkuu – Helsingin yliopiston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat sisussa kurssikoodilla FYS4027, Climate University -verkoston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat täällä ja muut voivat ilmoittautua avoimen yliopiston kautta täällä.

A new course in production:

Biodiversity education network is a joint project of five universities in Finland (the Universities of Eastern Finland, Helsinki, Oulu, Turku and the Jyväskylä) to develop a nationwide biodiversity education network and to answer to the learning needs in the field of biodiversity. The project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Biodiversity education network is collaborating with Climate University and Una Europa alliance in creating an online course about biodiversity, called It consists of a 2-credit MOOC and a 3-credit project part.

Our goal is to design a multidisciplinary and interesting course to variety of learners. We want to pique students’ interest for biodiversity topics and offer diverse ways to understand and halt biodiversity crisis.

This course is designed for master’s level, but it is open to all people from different scientific fields. The MOOC-course contains five modules and pre-course part with biodiversity topics. Pre-course part is designed for the students who are less familiar with biodiversity. Topics of the course are biodiversity and its values, biodiversity crisis and causes of it, ways to halt biodiversity crisis, role of the media in biodiversity discussions and other recent topics.

When selecting pedagogical methods for the course, we pay attention especially to the possibilities of independent study, activation of students and deepening one’s understanding about biodiversity. We want to encourage learners to think about biodiversity from their field perspectives and personal interests.

Next steps in the course development are creating contents for the course, sorting out usage rights of the materials and planning the visual aspects for the course. If you are interested in creating content for the course, please contact us! MOOC in a nutshell

  • 2 credits masters level course in English
  • Suitable for students from all scientific fields
  • Course contains 5 modules that include following topics:
    • Why is biodiversity crisis a topical issue?
    • What causes biodiversity crisis?
    • Where can the crisis lead to?
    • How can we halt biodiversity crisis?
    • Other topical issues and how media influences our concept of biodiversity?
  • Goal of the course is to activate students to think about biodiversity from the perspective of their own values, scientific field and future.
  • Course is made in cooperation with Climate University, Una Europa and Biodiversity education network of Finnish universities.
  • More info:

Figure: The structure of the course. Modules include video lectures, reading materials and different exercises and quizzes to support learning.

Writers: Iida-Sofia Holma (UTU) and Elli Hämynen (UEF), biodiversity education network

New agreement allows cross-study of Climate University courses in Finnish higher education institutions

The new Climate University cross-study agreement means that all students of the 18 collaborating higher education institutions can take Climate University courses from other institutions.

The Climate University collaboration includes the following institutions:

  • University of Helsinki (coordinator)
  • Aalto University
  • Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
  • Häme University of Applied Sciences
  • LAB University of Applied Sciences
  • Lappeenranta University of Technology
  • Laurea University of Applied Sciences
  • Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
  • Svenska handelshögskolan
  • Tampere University
  • Turku University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Arts
  • University of Eastern Finland
  • University of Jyväskylä
  • University of Lapland
  • University of Oulu
  • University of Turku
  • University of Vaasa


The Climate University courses are:

  • Ilmasto.nyt / / ( coming soon)
  • Kestävyys.nyt /
  • Kiertotalous.nyt /
  • Leadership for sustainable change
  • Statistical tools for climate and atmospheric science
  • Lukiolaisen Ilmasto.nyt

All the course materials are freely available online:

To get credits from the courses, students need to register to a course organized by a CU university.


Register for the courses starting in January:

Leadership for sustainable change, 18.1.-6.3.2022, 5 ECTS  

A sustainable world needs leaders. This is a course about sustainable world and how to get there. 

Students of the University of Helsinki (course code ATM373), University of Jyväskylä (course code CEMS2610), Tampere University (course codes HAL.YPAT.341 or KAT.VAST.328 or LFC.360) and Hanken School of Economics (course code 22089-E) register via their own systems. Students of other Climate University institutions register here. Others register via Open University of Helsinki., 17.1.-27.3.2022, 5 ECTS

Climate change calls for urgent attention to the specific links between humans and our natural environment. Understanding these connections and their implications is crucial for responding to climate change as a global challenge. When we understand climate change as a systemic phenomenon, i.e. as the product of a certain system of connections between things, we unlock a powerful set of tools for making sense of it – systems thinking.

Students of the University of Helsinki (course code ATM379), Aalto University (course code MS-E2136), Tampere University (HALYAS14), University of Turku (MAAN7741) register via their own systems. Students of other Climate University institutions register here. Others register via Open University of Turku, here.


Ilmastoviestintä.nyt /, 17.1.-25.3.2022, 2 ECTS  

What is the role of communication in solving the climate crisis? dives into the importance and challenges of communicating about climate change, and covers the factors of effective climate communication. 

Students of the University of Helsinki (course code ATM382) and University of Oulu (course code 766382A) register via their own systems. Students of other Climate University institutions register here (see instructions). Others register via Open University of Oulu, here.

Voit suorittaa kurssin myös suomeksi. Ristiinopiskelun ilmoittautumislomake suomeksi täällä (ks. ohjeet).


NEW! Added 22.12.2021 basics, 10.1.-11.3.2022, 5 ECTS 

Turku University of Applied Sciences offers opportunity to study basics (TE00BT85). TUAS students register in their own system, other UAS students register via Campusonline and other Climate University students register here. Course is also offered via Turku Open University of Applied Sciences, registration.


Climate University coordinators and teachers met in Jyväskylä in November 2021. Network is open to new collaborators. Join the email-list to stay updated!

Youth Climate and Nature Summit

Youth Climate and Nature Summit was held in Helsinki 23.10.2021, gathering hundreds of youth to discuss climate action. Climate University collaborators were present in Messukeskus. Read more about the experiences and our research project on Learning of the competencies of effective climate change mitigation and adaptation in the education system here.

Climate University network and teachers’ meeting 3.-4.11. in Jyväskylä

After the long period of social distancing, we are more than delighted to have an opportunity to invite you to meet in person on 3.-4.11.2021. We organize a Climate University network meeting prior to Unifi sustainability seminar in Jyväskylä. The meeting is aimed for Climate University coordinators at higher education institutions (new and old), teachers teaching or interested to teach Climate University courses, and those who want to get to know better the Climate University network or see each other after long time. We will welcome new Climate University network members and discuss what do the new HEI cross-study agreements mean in practice. We will introduce the Climate University courses and workshop the network and course practices for future collaboration.  



Wednesday 3.11.  

14:00 Welcome to Climate University  

  • Welcome to new partners  
  • Introduction to current activities and collaborations  
  • Workshop on network practices  

15:30 Coffee break  

16:00-17:30 Program continues  

  • Workshop on course practices for teachers   
  • Next steps 

19:00 Dinner  


Thursday 4.11.  

9:00 Morning coffee and opening words 

9:15-11:00 Division to course groups  

  • /Kiertotalous.nyt 
  • /Ilmasto.nyt / 
  • /Ilmastoviestintä.nyt 
  • Leadership for sustainable change  
  • Lukiolaisen Ilmasto.nyt 
  • Statistical tools for climate and atmospheric science 
  • /Kestävyys.nyt  

11-12 Lunch 

12:15 Unifi seminar starts 



Please register here by 15.10.: 



The meeting is organized at the Museum of Central Finland, Alvar Aallon katu 7, 40600 Jyväskylä (  

There are several hotels in Jyväskylä. From hotel Alba you can reserve a room with code KEVA2021. The prices are: 

  • 95,00e /day / 1 p economy; 100,00e /day / 1 p standard; 112,00e / day / 1 p superior 
  • 122,00e / day / 2 p standard; 155,00e / day / JrSuite for one with sauna; 175,00e /day / JrSuite for two with sauna.  

The prices include buffet breakfast, wi-fi, parking and sauna during customer hours. Reservations online or e-mail: or phone: +35814636311. Free cancellation until 16:00 the arrival date. Rooms can be paid at the hotel or by invoice.  

The meeting is free of cost. Lunch, dinner, hotel or travel are not provided.  


Further information:

Laura Riuttanen,, +358 50 415 4746

Climate Anxiety

The phenomenon of climate anxiety is nowadays much discussed in media (in Finnish: ilmastoahdistus, in Swedish: klimatångest). It is often characterized as related especially to younger people, and indeed many youth have recently spoken openly about their climate change anxiety. However, research has revealed that while the phenomenon is especially prevalent among certain groups of people, such as environmentalists and young adults, many different kinds of people feel various forms of climate anxiety. Often, climate anxiety manifests as worry or distress, but it can also feel very devastating: for example, people can feel that their future has been taken away from them.

There is evidence about climate anxiety from around the world and research is ongoing about the various forms and developments of this phenomenon. In a rare, nation-wide survey in Finland in summer 2019, 25% of the population recognized some kind of climate anxiety in themselves. Of the youngest age group in that survey, 15- to 30-year olds, the percentage was 33%. Stronger anxiety symptoms were reported by roughly 10% of the respondents.

In the Climate University course family, climate anxiety and climate emotions are discussed especially in two courses: and The author of this blog, interdisciplinary eco-anxiety researcher Panu Pihkala, Ph.D., wrote materials for both of these courses.

Below, 10 major aspects of climate anxiety are discussed. At the end of the blog, a short bibliography of climate anxiety research is provided.


  1. Climate anxiety is part of the wider phenomenon of eco-anxiety. Eco-anxiety (sometimes written ecoanxiety) can result either from the awareness of the global ecological crisis or from a local ecological problem. Climate anxiety is that part of eco-anxiety which is significantly related to climate change. However, because the climate crisis is linked with numerous other social and ecological issues, the lines between climate anxiety and other eco-anxiety are often difficult to see.


  1. Climate anxiety is real: many forms of it have been found in research. It is sometimes claimed that only neurotic people feel climate anxiety, but research shows otherwise: there are many factors which influence the feelings of people. Exposure to climate disruption, for example, is a major factor, as well as young age.


  1. What is commonly called “climate anxiety” is actually a scale of various reactions and emotions. Anxiety is a relatively good shorthand term for these feelings, but it is very important to recognize that there are many other feelings and psychological states involved. These include fear, worry, stress, feelings of helplessness, grief, guilt, frustration, anger, and even trauma or depression.


  1. Climate anxiety is not primarily a disease; instead, it is an understandable reaction to the severity of the climate crisis. Some manifestations of climate anxiety are paralyzing and it would be important to help people to avoid them, but the overall phenomenon of climate anxiety (or, worry, or distress) should be valued as a caring response to the crisis.


  1. Since the word anxiety is used in various connotations, it is important to analyze what various people mean with “climate anxiety”. For some people, including many health professionals, “anxiety” brings into mind anxiety disorders. On the other hand, there is much research about anxiety as an emotion, which helps a person to encounter troubling uncertainty. Then there is a long-standing discussion about existential anxiety, which is caused by the fundamental, difficult questions of life, such as death, guilt, or feelings of meaninglessness. The wide phenomenon of climate anxiety has been found to include all of the above, depending on the case.


  1. People have often been silent about their feelings of climate anxiety or even denied them. As psychologists and many other scholars emphasize, it is difficult to encounter the climate crisis. Many psychosocial dynamics, such as socially constructed silence, have been present in relation to climate change and climate emotions. There is both recognized and unrecognized climate anxiety. People need safe spaces and emotional support to be able to encounter their difficult emotions. The phenomenon of climate anxiety is much older than the public discussion about it.


  1. The phenomenon of climate anxiety is interlinked with climate change denial and the challenges of climate change communication, education, and advocacy. Psychological dynamics such as distancing are commonly used to keep anxiety further away. In some cases, anxiety can generate denial or disavowal, but the phenomenon of climate change denial is complex and shaped also by intentional political actions. Since there are so different kinds of publics, climate anxiety presents profound challenges to communication, education, and advocacy. Threatening messages of “doom and gloom” paralyze many people, but careful “fear appeals” may motivate some others. The baseline is that the emotional dimensions of communicating should always be considered carefully.


  1. It should be remembered that experiences of climate anxiety are much shaped by various contexts and intersectional dynamics. For many people, there are profound sources of hardship and anxiety in their lives, much caused by structural problems and injustices. These kind of contextual factors greatly shape people’s feelings of climate anxiety. For many oppressed people, climate anxiety is “only” one part of the trouble they face. For wealthy people in industrialized nations, climate anxiety may be their first and foremost existential anxiety, but voices from other contexts need also be heard.


  1. Traditional instructions for coping with anxiety are only partly relevant in relation to climate anxiety, because the climate threat is very real. There is much that can be applied from established methods of coping with anxiety: new mental models and revised habits can help to reduce catastrophizing and rumination. However, the common method of de-emphasizing the actual seriousness of the threat is not particularly suitable, since the climate crisis is happening all the time and is scientifically predicted to grow worse. What is needed are skills which help a person to continue functioning amidst the uncertainties, and naturally climate action by all kinds of people.


  1. Experts recommend that coping with climate anxiety should include opportunities for efficacy, emotional support, and resilience building. It helps greatly if a person can feel that she/he can contribute positively, together with others, in building a more resilient world. However, the difficult emotions must also be lived through, or otherwise there is a danger of “climate burnout” due to constant busyness. There is a need to build resilience both on individual and community levels, including emotional and existential resilience.


A short bibliography of research and tips for coping

A report about climate anxiety and various methods that have been developed to encounter it (up to Summer 2019):


Australian Psychological Society has published a wealth of materials for coping with climate change, including materials related to climate burnout, distress, and education:


Royal College of Psychiatry, London, has published materials related to eco-anxiety among young people. For parents and carers:—for-parents-and-carers?searchTerms=eco%20distress

For young people themselves:—for-young-people?searchTerms=eco%20distress


Organizations which work with climate distress, climate grief and/or climate anxiety:


Analysis of various forms of anxiety in relation to the ecological crisis:

Pihkala, Panu (2020). Anxiety and the Ecological Crisis: An Analysis of Eco-anxiety and Climate Anxiety. Sustainability 12:19, 7836;


Ways to encounter eco-anxiety in education:

Pihkala, Panu (2020). Eco-anxiety and Environmental Education. Sustainability 12: 23, 10149;


Analysis and case examples of children’s climate anxiety:

Hickman, Caroline (2020). We need to (find a way to) talk about … eco-anxiety. Journal of Social Work Practice 34:4, 411-424. DOI:10.1080/02650533.2020.1844166.


Some psychologists have worked with eco-anxiety for a long time. See, for example, the website of Dr. Thomas Doherty,, and the list of psychologists compiled by Susanne Moser at


Useful websites:

– Britt Wray’s high-quality website and newsletter about eco-anxiety and related emotions:

– Large bibliographies and many articles:

– Stories of eco-anxiety:


Books about eco-anxiety and climate anxiety:

Gillespie, Sally. 2020. Climate Crisis and Consciousness: Re-imagining our world and ourselves. London & New York: Routledge.

Ray, Sarah Jacquette. 2020. A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet. Oakland: University of California Press.

Grose, Anouchka. 2020. A Guide to Eco-anxiety: How to Protect the Planet and Your Mental Health. London: Watkins.

Pihkala, Panu. 2017. Päin helvettiä? Ympäristöahdistus ja toivo. Helsinki: Kirjapaja. (In Finnish)

Weber, Jack Adam. 2020. Climate Cure: Heal Yourself to Heal the Planet. Llewellyn.

Albrecht, Glenn. 2019. Earth Emotions: New Words for a New World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Pipher, Mary. 2013. The Green Boat: Reviving Ourselves in our Capsized Culture. New York: Riverhead Books.

Verlie, Blanche. 2022 [in print 2021]. Learning to live with climate change: From anxiety to transformation. New York: Routledge.


About psychological measures and scales:

There is an ongoing academic discussion about these. An initial climate anxiety scale developed by Susan Clayton & Brian Karazsia (2020) has been tested in several countries and modifications have been recommended. (Clayton is a pioneering researcher in climate change and mental health.) A promising development is the Hogg Scale for Eco-anxiety.


Dr. Panu Pihkala

University of Helsinki 

Climate University courses in Autumn 2021

Several Climate University courses are available in the curricula this Autumn.

Kiertotalous.nyt /

Kiertotalous.nyt on jatkuvasti suoritettavissa Helsingin yliopiston opiskelijoille 3 tai 5 opintopisteen laajuudessa ja avoimessa yliopistossa 3 opintopisteen laajuudessa. Ilmoittautuminen aukeaa 16.8.2021. Helsingin yliopiston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat sisu-järjestelmässä kurssikoodilla MAAT-051. Avoimen yliopiston yliopiston kautta kurssi on auki kaikille kiinnostuneille, ilmoittautuminen: is continuously available for the University of Helsinki students as 3 or 5 ECTS course and at Open University of Helsinki as 3 ECTS course. Registration opens 16.8.2021. University of Helsinki students register in sisu, course code MAAT-051. Registration for open university students: (5 ECTS) is taught online at the University of Helsinki and Open University of Helsinki 9.9.-21.10.2021. The course is also open to Una Europa students. University of Helsinki students register in sisu, course code ATM378. Registration for open university students:


Ilmasto.nyt /

Ilmasto.nyt-kurssin voit suorittaa Itä-Suomen yliopistossa 2 opintopisteen laajuudessa milloin vain. Ilmoittautuminen aukeaa 1.9.2021. UEF-opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat weboodissa kurssikoodilla 3352711. Avoimen yliopiston kautta voit ilmoittautua kurssille täällä: course (2 ECTS) is continuously available at the University of Eastern Finland as a self-study course. Registration opens 1.9.2021. UEF students register in weboodi, course code 3352711. Registration via open university: (2 or 5 ECTS) is taught online at the University of Helsinki and Open University of Helsinki 2.11.-14.12.2021. The course is also open to Una Europa students. Course teaching language is in English, but you can also study the materials and return assignments in Finnish. University of Helsinki students register in sisu, course code ATM302. Registration for open university students:

Ilmasto.nyt-kurssi opetetaan myös Oulun yliopistossa 5.11.-16.12.2021. Kurssin voit suorittaa 2 tai 5 opintopisteen laajuudessa. Oulun yliopiston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat weboodissa, kurssikoodi 766383A. Avoimen yliopiston kautta voit ilmoittautua kurssille täällä (ilmoittautuminen auki 12.8.-30.9.): is also taught at the University of Oulu 5.11.-16.12.2021 as either 2 ECTS or 5 ECTS course. University of Oulu students register in weboodi, course code 766383A. Registration via open university is open 12.8.-30.9. here:


Lukiolaisen Ilmasto.nyt

Lukiolaisen Ilmasto.nyt -kurssin voit suorittaa Oulun yliopistossa 15.11.-16.12.2021. Opintojakso on suunnattu ennen kaikkea lukiolaisille ja muille toisen asteen opiskelijoille ja sen laajuus on 2 opintopistettä. Ilmoittaututuminen: 12.8.-30.9.


Find more about the courses at Climate University website.

Interested in getting Climate University courses  to your institution? Contact CU coordinator.

Nuorten ilmastowebinaari – vihreä kaupunki

The online climate webinar called Green city was wrapped up last Thursday on 6.5.2021. Thank you for all the participants, both presenters and listeners.

Maksuton Vihreä kaupunki -webinaari järjestettiin torstaina 6.5.2021. Webinaariin osallistui nuoria ja opettajia lähes joka puolelta Suomea.

Tapahtuma järjestettiin kokonaisuudessaan verkossa ja väliaktivointeihin käytettiin menti-nimistä interaktiivista työkalua. Webinaarissa kolme puhujaa lähestyivät ilmastonmuutosta kaupunkisuunnittelun ja sopeutumisen näkökulmista. Puhujina olivat;

Leena Järvi, apulaisprofessori ilmakehätieteiden keskuksesta Helsingin yliopistosta – Puuston ilmastovaikutukset (pdf)

Riikka Äärelä, maisema-arkkitehti Helsingin kaupungilta – Hiilinielut ja varastot tiivistyvässä kaupungissa (pdf)

Susanna Kankaanpää, ympäristösuunnittelija ilmastonmuutoksen näkökulmasta Helsingin kaupungilta – Miten puusto auttaa sopeutumaan (pdf)


Jokaisen esityksen jälkeen kuulijoita aktivoitiin pienillä kysymyksillä. Näet kysymykset ja vastaukset alla. Saadut tiedot olivat monelle uutta ja vain tunnin mittainen tapahtuma sisälsi tiiviin paketin eri näkemyksiä ilmastonmuutoksen sekä hiilenkierron käsittelystä kaupungin näkökulmasta. Aiheet herättivät kysymyksiä ja keskustelua yleisössä ja toivon mukaan avarsivat myös nuorten tulevaisuuden kuvaa. Jokaisen puhujan polku on ollut erilainen ja oli kiinnostavaa kuulla miten kukin päätyi nykyisen ammattinsa pariin.

Suuri kiitos puhujille mielenkiintoa ja ajatuksia herättävistä esityksistä, ja jokaiselle kuuntelijalle aktiivisesta osallistumisesta.


Tiistaina 11.5. alkoi myös Ilmasto.nyt tutustumiskurssi. Kurssi toimii pohjustuksena ilmastonmuutoksen kannalta tärkeille teemoille ja tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen tilaisuuden oppimiseen, sillä tämän kesän kurssi on ilmainen Avoimen yliopiston kautta. Ensimmäinen sessio sujui mukavasti ja oppilaat ovat päässeet aloittamaan kurssin parissa. Lisätietoa kurssista täällä:


Ihanaa kesän alkua!

Janina Taurinen & Mikko Äijälä