National Library of Finland to Launch the Digital Fenno-Ugrica Collection and Tools for Linguistic Research, Thursday, 6 June 2013

The National Library of Finland is delighted to invite you to join the kick-off event, where the digital Fenno-Ugrica collection and its research application for editing the OCR text will be released for the public. The event will take place at the Auditorium of the National Library of Finland on Thursday, the 6th of June at 14:30 (2:30 pm). Entrance to the Auditorium from Yliopistonkatu.

The event will be given in Finnish. Enrolling by e-mail ( until the 30th of May 2013.

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The Fenno-Ugrica Site Opened – Just Another Blog?

The other day, my colleagues put me to the test and they started to put pressure on me with various questions related to my intentions to set up a blog for our digitization project. They kept on asking, whether I really had considered the scope of the blog? They wanted to know who would be the audience and who would produce the entries? Or, will the messages be aligned with the communication plan of the native organization etc.? And some have frankly asked whether this was going be just another dull blog for another dull project? I have to admit their scepticism was more than justified, but I am tempted to go against all the odds and shout: NAY, we gotta think differently this time!

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