
Karavaani Balls Club: Pesis

Tervetuloa Karavaanin Pallokerhon pesäpallotapahtumaan Haagan urheilukentälle keskiviikkona 23.6. klo 19 eteenpäin. Ohjelmassa pesistä, vapaamuotoista hengailua ja muita ulkopelejä (ehkä). Aikaisempaa kokemusta tai varusteita ei tarvitse.

Welcome to the Karavaani Balls Club Pesäpallo event. There will be pesäpallo and possibly some other outside games. No previous experience or pesäpallo ”gear” required.

Where: Etelä-Haagan urheilukenttä
When: Wednesday 23.6.
What: pesäpallo

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中文学习茶话会 – Tea Party: Let’s talk about learning Chinese!

Karavaani on mukana NCSF:n järjestämässä kiinankielen opiskelua koskevassa tapahtumassa. Alla on tapahtumakuvaus ja linkki ilmoittautumiskaavakkeeseen. Ilmoittautuminen on auki tapahtuman alkuun asti.
Karavaani is participating in an event hosted by NCSF on learning Chinese. Below you can find the event description and registration link. Registration has no deadline.
Kuvausta ei ole saatavilla.
NCSF Helsinki is hosting an open discussion event on Chinese learning experiences via Zoom. We have invited special guests who excel in Chinese language as foreigners. They will share their language learning journeys, interesting stories, fun experiences, and useful tips. We have also invited Julie Chen, the Director of Confucius Institute in Finland, to share her experiences and to discuss about the current Chinese language teaching situation in Finland.
Participants will also get the chance to ask questions, connect with like-minded people, and exchange language learning experiences. There is an old saying “language is the roadmap of culture.” Learning a language is also learning about a culture, likewise, one cannot fully understand a culture without knowing its language.
If you are interested in Chinese language or the culture, please save the date June 18th at 12:00-13:30. Get ready with a cup of tea(or coffee), and join the open discussion with us!
Register to the event to get the Zoom link:…/tea-party-lets-talk-about…