Subscribe to our email list

Our email list is still the primary newsource regarding our events and important information about Asia, Africa or the Middle East related studies.

Subscribing to the list
  1. Send email to majordomo(a) Leave the subject blank. Write a message saying subscribe karavaani-lista [your email]. The email you submit should be the same you are sending the command from!

For example:

TO: majordomo(a)

FROM: kalle.karavaanilainen(a)


MESSAGE: subscribe karavaani-lista kalle.karavaanilainen(a)

After your message is received, you will get a response asking you to verify your subscription. The response includes a long code.

  1. Send the verification by responding: auth [code] subscribe karavaani-lista.

If the message doesn’t work, you can try making the command shorted by using  \.

For example:

MESSAGE: auth [CODE FROM PREVIOUS MESSAGE] subscribe karavaani-lista \



Send a message to majordomo(a) Leave the subject blank. Write: unsubscribe karavaani-lista [your email].

For example

TO: Majordomo(a)

FROM: kalle.karavaanilainen(a)


MESSAGE: unsubscribe karavaani-lista kalle.karavaanilainen(a)

Sending an email to the list

You can send emails to the Karavaani-list by first writing the message you want to send and then putting karavaani-lista(a) as the recipient. Please read the rules of the list before sending an email to it!

Please send your email to the list well in advance! Our email representative checks the emails sent to the list about two times a week on weekdays. (During summer, about once a month) Your message will not go through before it has been manually approved to be sent to our members. So, if you want to promote an event or some thing with a strict deadline, you can make sure that the email will reach its recipients on time by sending it sufficiently in advance.

Do not worry when the email you sent doesn’t appear in your own inbox – a copy of the email you sent will not be sent to you.

The rules of the Karavaani-list

1) Karavaani-list is meant mainly for communicating about things related to Asian, African and Middle Eastern studies.

2) You can send announcements and notices generally related to the university life or to our studies’ faculty to the list.

3) You can also send for example event and party invitations to the list.

4) It is also allowed to send emails that can reasonably be considered  interesting to the students of our faculty (e.g. scholarships, internship opportunities)

5) It is not allowed to send commercial advertisements or unrelated emails to the list.

6) The emails sent to the list must be appropriate and polite.


This list is for everything Japan related information. Subscribing works the same as described above. Just remember to change the list name to Nihongaku-lista.