Lux Humana – Book of the Week 03 / 2013 : James Miranda Barry













Patricia Duncker: James Miranda Barry, (1999)


Publisher’s description:

“At the turn of the nineteenth century, ten-year-old James Miranda Barry enrolled as a medical student in Edinburgh, the start of a glorious career as a military surgeon.
Across the Empire, Barry achieved fame not only as a brilliant physician, but also a legendary duellist and a celebrated social figure. But James Miranda Barry was also a woman. Her greatest achievement of all had been to ‘pass’ for a man for more than fifty years. Patricia Duncker’s novel tells Barry’s story for the first time, in a richly inventive and entertaining tale of dark family secrets, adultery, questioned paternity and colonial history. It confirms her rare talent as a writer of profound ideas and immense storytelling power.”


Access in Helka-database:



Duncker, Patricia : James Miranda Barry , [Literature Annotations]
Jacalyn Duffin
Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database, New York University

The Enigma of James Barry
Mary Hammond
Women: A Cultural Review, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 104-106

An aesthetics of performativity: Patricia Duncker’s art of simulation in James Miranda
Christian Gutleben
Études anglaises, 2/2007, vol. 60, p. 212-225

Obscurity and gender resistance in Patricia Duncker’s James Miranda Barry
Jana Funke
European Journal of English Studies, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 215-226

A shadow at my shoulder : Novelist Patricia Duncker tells Nicholas Wroe about her secret sharer
Nicholas Wroe
The Guardian, 12.8.2000

Patricia Duncker’s Official Website:

James Barry (surgeon) in Wikipedia

Inspector General James Barry MD: putting the woman in her place
Brian Hurwitz, Ruth Richardson
BMJ, vol. 298, 4 Feb. 1989, p. 299-305

Dr. James Barry: military man – or woman?
K. M. Smith
Can Med Assoc J. 1982 April 1; 126(7): p. 854–857






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©Koonnut: Lassi Pohjanpää, Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto, Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko





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