
By joining the association you will get more out of your education! We offer you:

A community
You get to be a part of a greater, university wide community of researchers: you meet people from different fields, get peer-support from fellow researchers – in short, you get good company!

You get to know how to navigate in the jungle of the university: how things work, who you can ask for help and/or support, what your rights as PhD candidate are, etc.

You get your voice heard at the university: the association keeps in touch with the university administration of doctoral education and works in the interest of doctoral candidates, via us you can raise issues you find important or difficult in your PhD education.

Don’t hesitate – our possibilities to influence grow by each person who joins us!


Who can join:

You can join as an ordinary member if you have been granted the right to study at a doctoral program or a specialization degree in medicine, odontology or veterinary medicine at the University of Helsinki and approve of the purpose of the association.

You can join as an associate member if you approve of the purpose of the association, but cannot be accepted as an ordinary member.

Any private person or a legal entity who wants to support the purpose of the association can be accepted as a supporting member.

If you have questions about membership issues, please contact our membership coordinator. You will find a list of all board members here.

Membership fees:

  • Ordinary member : 10 €
  • Associate member : 3 €
  • Supporting member : 25 / 50 / 100 €

N.B. The membership fee is collected yearly by invoice sent to the email address supplied upon registration during the month of March. Members who register after March will receive a separate invoice. If someone else pays your fee (i.e. the payment does not come from your own account), please notify the treasurer. You will find a list of all board members here.

Our bank details are the following:
IBAN FI98 4730 0010 2885 52,

Please always use a reference number when paying!
Finnish Refernce numbers (from Finnish bank accounts)
ordinary member 20 20101
associate member 20 20033
supporting member 20 20253

International Reference numbers
ordinary member RF86 2020 101
associate member RF79 2020 033
supporting member RF56 2020 253

Paying for multiple years at once

From 2019 on, it is possible to pay the membership fee for up to four years at once. In order to do so, simply multiply the amount by the years you want to pay at once. See more details about special cases below.

  • A membership fee can be paid for one, two, three or four years (payment period) at once.
  • If a person pays for multiple years and the membership fee is increased during that payment period, no extra payments will be demanded.
  • If the fee is decreased, the association must reimburse the difference.
  • If the membership class is changed during the payment period, the difference must be balanced.
  • There will be no reimbursement if the member resigns or gets expelled during the payment period.