Doctoral School in Natural Sciences and its programmes (2016-2017)

Doctoral School in Natural Sciences

Teemu Saksala


Hello! I’m Teemu Saksala 29 years old Phd student in applied mathematics. I just started my third year as a grad student. I completed my master degree in Kumpula, so this is my eight year in total in this Campus. I have enjoyed a lot to be here and for me this hill top is a second home. During my time here I have tried to do my share to improve the life here in this Campus. For instance I have been 2 years as a student member in the board of the Department of mathematics and statistics. I was also a board member of Matrix student union for 2 years. My responsibility was the academic affairs. I have also been a member of a teaching development committee in my department. At the moment I’m the Phd representative in the board of the my department. For me it is a life long dream and a privilege to be able to pursue a doctoral degree in Science. I run for this position in the steering committee of the doctoral school in natural sciences, since I wish to help other people to fulfil this same dream and I want to make sure that for those grad students who already are here in Kumpula, this campus is the best place to study and do research. Outside academic life I do outdoor activities and mountain sports ( as well as one can in Finland ). I’m also a Scout. In Scouts I have had many positions of trust, for instance I was a chair of 250 people scout organisation for 3 years. I have learned a lot about team working, management and finance in Scouts. During my studies I have usually been the guy, who asks the silly questions in the lectures. By this small detail I want to tell that I dare to speak my mind and get into the details in decision making. I must have a brain damage or something, since I actually enjoy to participate meetings and read through the minutes. I believe that I would be a good Phd student member in the steering committee of the Doctoral school in natural sciences.

Doctoral programme in particle physics and universe sciences

Antti Rantala


I am a second-year doctoral student in the Doctoral programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences studying the numerical simulation of black holes in large-scale astrophysical simulations. Outside of Physicum, my main hobbies are sci-fi, bicycling and craft beers. I have performed a long career in the student and departmental organizations of Physical sciences, most notably in Meridiaani (board member 2011-2013, chairperson 2013) and Resonanssi (board member 2012). I’ve also attended the meetings of the Astronomy Teaching Development Group (2012-2015) and I was a vice-student-member (‘halloped’) of the Departmental Board for two years 2012-2013. Currently I’m the organizer of Tutkijapiiri (Scientists’ circle) meetings for Physics undergrad students and I’m a board member of the Association of Doctoral Students in the University of Helsinki till the end of this year. As the previously mentioned positions in the university-related organizations end this year and I have motivation to take care of the doctoral students’ affairs, I apply for the student position in the board of the Doctoral programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences. Conveniently, the two-year board membership (2016-2017) of the board would be ideal for me as I plan to defend my thesis is 2018.

Doctoral programme in geosciences

Henrik Kalliomäki

I`m 3rd year PhD. student from the geology division and present student representative in the steering commitee of  Doctoral Programme in Geosciences. With the experience of last two years as member of the board, my interest has only increased for represent us students in our doctoral school commitee. From my experience so far, the spirit in our steering commitee has been great, our voice in there has been respected and I have been treated as an equal member. I would not mind at all to continue the work of represent student in the committee.

Doctoral programme in atmospheric sciences

Nina Sarnela

Doctoral programme in chemistry and molecular sciences

Carl-Mikael Suomivuori

Doctoral programme in mathematics and statistics

Giovanni Canarecci


I believe in the challenge of a big university, such as the University of Helsinki, of being an international pole of attraction while preserving its own identity. With this spirit, I want to give my contribution and work for our doctoral programme.


Doctoral programme in materials research and nanoscience

Annika Venäläinen


I’ve been the student representative in MATRENA 2014-2015 and would be happy to continue with that.

Doctoral programme in computer science

Otto Waltari


I’m a first year doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science. I started my studies in January 2015 after working a couple of years as a research assistant. My specialization field is networking and distributed systems, which sustains its popularity in our ever so connected world. During my academic career I have collaborated with research and industry entities both locally and abroad. Most recently during last summer for three months at Bell Labs in Belgium.  I feel that the recently founded Association of Doctoral Students at University of Helsinki can really make a difference in what doctoral studies will be like in the future. Hence I stand for election and wish to make an impact in favour of all computer scientists.  In my free time I enjoy programming, electronics, cycling, and of course postponed work under tremendous pressure to meet deadlines.   In decision-making I value things such as openness, fairness, and transparency.