12th Annual Collegium Lecture by Axel Honneth, 23 May 2014

12th Annual Collegium Lecture

Friday 23 May at 4:15 p.m.

Lecture hall 5, University main building, Fabianinkatu 33

Professor Axel Honneth (University of Frankfurt/Columbia University): The
Idea of Social Freedom. On the Intellectual Roots of Socialism

Professor Honneth is Jack C. Weinstein Professor for the Humanities in the
Department of Philosophy at Columbia University; Director of the Institute
for Social Research, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (since 2001); and
C4-Professor of Social Philosophy, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
(since 1996). His areas of specialization include social and political
philosophy; ethics and social theory

More information:

The lecture is organized by the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.


Free admission.

Doctoral defence

14, April 2014 at 1200
MA (philosophy) Timothy Riggs will defend his dissertation The Authentic Self: Essays in al-Fārābi and Late Ancient Greek Philosophy in the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Opponent is Philippe Vallat, CNRS.

Professor Kei Chiba to Visit the Centre

Professor Kei Chiba, a renowned expert in Aristotle and Pauline studies, will visit the Centre of Excellence in Reason and Religious Recognition Research on 29 April 2014. The Seminar on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans will start at 9:30 am in the Faculty Hall (5th floor, Faculty of Theology, address: Vuorikatu 3). For the full program and more information, please see the attached file.


Introducing Reason and Recognition research

Yesterday we had an opportunity to discuss our research with the Chancellor of the University of Helsinki, Thomas Wilhelmsson, and vice rector Keijo Hämäläinen.


After presenting the research themes together with Outi Lehtipuu, Risto Saarinen introduced the CoE members. Then we heard Janne Mattila and Ritva Palmén talk about their individual topics on medieval latin and arabic philosophy.


Minna Hietamäki also told us about her work closely related with the research themes in the context of The Lutheran World Federation. It seems evident that the concept of recognition can be fruitfully applied in various situations – ecumenical issues included.

Saarinen also presented his new web pages linked to the Research Database TUHAT, and Joona Salminen continued by officially launching the CoE’s own web pages. We then had time for free discussion. Books from international publishers by CoE members were also on display in the Faculty Hall where the meeting took place.

Read also Heikki J. Koskinen’s post about the meeting with more pictures.