Category Archives: Viklo

Viikin opettajakahvilat

Viklo-opettajakahvila 1/2018: Tieteenalasi avainkäsitteiden oppiminen

Viklo-opettajakahvilat jatkuvat!

Vuoden ensimmäinen Viklo maanantaina 5.3. 2018 klo 14-16 Viikin Oppimiskeskuksessa (Biokeskus 1, 1401 pohjakerros; entinen Impact Factory).

Aluksi käsittelemme lyhyesti Oppimiskeskuksen digivarustuksen pedagogisia käyttömahdollisuuksia – erityisesti toivomme, että opettajat jotka ovat käyttäneet älytaulua opetuksessaan osallistuisivat tilaisuuteen. Tämän jälkeen varsinaisena aiheena on Tieteenalasi avainkäsitteiden oppiminen – tule ideoimaan keinoja miten tieteenalasi käsitteitä opitaan parhaiten! Uusimmasta tutkimustiedosta tästä teemasta alustaa Viikin uusi pedagoginen yliopistonlehtori Ilona Södervik. Alustuksen jälkeen työskentelemme ryhmissä.

Ja koska kyseessä on opekahvila, niin muista ilmoittautua tarjoiluja varten e-lomakkeella (linkki) viimeistään ke 28.2. klo 12:

Viikin opetuksen tuen talvitiedote 2018!

Hyvää alkanutta lukukautta Viikin opetusteknologiapalveluista sekä pedagogisilta yliopistonlehtoreilta! Alla olevassa tiedotteessa tärkeimpiä opetuksen tuen uutisia vuoden alkuun:

Vuoden ensimmäinen Viklo 5.3. 2018 klo 14-16 Viikin Oppimiskeskuksessa (Bio 2, 1401 pohjakerros; entinen Impact Factory)

Viklo-opettajakahvilat jatkuvat! Aiheena Tieteenalasi avainkäsitteiden oppiminen – tule ideoimaan keinoja miten tieteenalasi käsitteitä opitaan parhaiten! Uusimmasta tutkimustiedosta tästä teemasta alustaa Viikin uusi pedagoginen yliopistonlehtori Ilona Södervik. Alustuksen jälkeen työskentelemme ryhmissä.

Ilmoittaudu (tarjoiluja varten) e-lomakkeella (linkki).

Uusi pedagoginen yliopistonlehtori Viikissä

Ilona Södervik, FT

Valmistuin vuonna 2008 filosofian maisteriksi pääaineenani biologia ja väittelin vuonna 2016 Turun yliopistosta aiheenani biologian käsitteiden oppimiseen liittyvät haasteet yliopisto-opinnoissa. Minua kiinnostaa erityisesti asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen life sciences -tieteenaloissa, tieteenalakohtainen yliopistopedagogiikka ja opetuksen kehittäminen tämän tutkimustiedon valossa. Toivon voivani olla omalta osaltani kehittämässä Viikin kampuksen erinomaista opetusta. Menestyksekästä uutta vuotta kaikille ja ollaan yhteyksissä!

 yt. Ilona

Viikissä uusi AV-tukitiimi opetuksen tueksi

Vuoden alusta Viikissä aloitti uusi, kahden henkilön AV-tukitiimi: Eeva Hagel ja Ada Ullström.

Palvelu on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti opetuksen tueksi, mutta myös muut Viikkiläiset voivat työajan puitteissa kysyä neuvoa ja opastusta mm. Adobe Connect- ja UniTube-palveluihin Viikin kampusalueella sekä muihin opetustilanteen järjestelmiin kuten älytaulut, Presemo ja Flinga. Yhteyden saat sähköpostitse sekä päivystyspuhelimesta, puh. 040 631 0030.

Varaathan tuki- tai perehdytystapaamisen hyvissä ajoin, mielellään viikkoa – kahta ennen luennon taltiointia tai muuta opastusta.

Lue tarkempi esittely esittelysivulta >>

Viikkiin uusi Examinarium-tenttitila

Infokeskus Koronan 4. kerrokseen avataan helmikuussa kuuden koneen tenttitila, jossa voi tehdä Examinarium-tenttejä. Lue lisää Examinariumista:

Moodlen 3.3 versiopäivitys

Moodle päivittyi versioon 3.3 tammikuussa. Katso Moodle Newsista päivityksen tiedot:

Winter news 2018 from Viikki Campus!

Greetings from the Viikki Educational Technology Services team and the Senior Lecturers in University Pedagogy! We hope that the new academic term has started well for everyone.

The Viklo Teacher Café continues!

The Viklo Teacher Café will be held on Monday, 5th March, 2018 at the new Viikki Learning Center (Biocenter 1, 1401)

The theme of the first Viklo Café of the year will be “The learning processes of the key concepts of your scientific field.” Please join us for this event to discuss and brainstorm new ways to to teach and learn scientific concepts in your field. This informal workshop will be lead by our new Senior Lecturer in University Pedagogy, Ilona Södervik, who is a specialist in the pedagogy of concept learning in higher education. After an introduction to the topic, we will work in small groups. In addition, the Viikki educational technology specialists will demonstrate and lead a discussion on Viklo Café pedagogical possibilities, including the Clevertouch smartboard and streaming between campuses.

Sign up here (for refreshments):

Audiovisual support at Viikki Campus

At the start of this year, a new audiovisual support team started working at the Viikki Campus: Ada Ullström and Eeva Hagel. Contact the support team if you need help with for example the following: Adobe Connect and UniTube support on-site in classrooms as well as remote assistance in the Viikki campus area and other educational technologies such as Smartboards, Presemo and Flinga. You can contact the AV-team through e-mail at and through the service line: +358 40 631 0030. Please make sure that you book your support time well in advance before the actual recording time or lecture streaming event.

A new Examinarium room in Viikki

In the beginning of February a room with six computers for electronic exams in the Examinarium system will open on the 4th floor of Infocenter Korona. Read more about Examinarium here:

Moodle updated to version 3.3

In January 2018, Moodle was updated to version 3.3 tammikuussa. For information about what changed, please refer to Moodle news blog:

Hybrid lectures – case Basics in Chemistry, fall 2014

Case example: Basics in Chemistry

In the second Viklo Café this fall, university lecturer Seppo Lindroos and course assistant Miia Mäntymäki shared their experiences from their course Basics in Chemistry, which blended traditional lectures with distance learning. In addition to the lectures, the course included walk-throughs of home exercises. The “hybrid” dimension was added as the teaching was streamed through the web conference system Adobe Connect (AC), so as to allow the around 20 students from the Lahti campus to participate remotely. In addition, the lectures were recorded and the course participants could watch the recordings online.

Hybrid lecture in Viikki

Hybrid lecturing in Viikki

A room for the students to follow the lecture from a desktop computer was arranged at the Lahti campus. The remote participants could send chat messages to the lecturer through a chat window in AC. In practice, around 200 students participated in Viikki, and a handful in Lahti. Anyone on the course could follow the streamed lecture from their own device through AC, and ten to twenty students used this option on each lecture.

A close-up of the AC system

A close-up of the AC system

Need for hybrid lectures

A practical demand for hybrid lectures stems partly from the aim to reduce facility costs by the means of distributed learning environments. This tendency, understandably, raises concerns. For example, how to make sure that the mediated form of learning does not compromise the expectations of interaction between the teacher and the students? On the other hand, it could be taken as a chance to think anew the environments of learning and teaching. Hybrid lectures could support more flexible learning, such as increased possibilities to “flip” the classroom ( to increase the interaction between the teachers and the students by dedicating classroom time to solving practical problems. The course materials, for their part, are learned outside the classroom: for example through recorded lectures. To take advantage of these possibilities, we hope that sharing our experiences below will encourage and help teachers to organize hybrid lectures, and steer the designers of teaching facilities to accommodate them.

The technical setup for the case example hybrid lectures:

  • a web conference system, e.g. Adobe Connect (supported by the University of Helsinki). Other options include Skype, Google hangout.
  • a computer equipped with an internal microphone and camera, or, a microphone-camera set can be borrowed from us e-learning specialists. Its pick-up range is quite limited (2 meters), so the lecturer needs to move it according to their own position.
  • to connect the document camera to the desktop computer:
  • the content you want to share through AC, e.g. slides. Almost anything from your computer desktop can be shared – except sound, but videos can be uploaded to AC to show them to the remote participants.
  • site to share the links to your AC room and recordings, e.g. Moodle or Matskut
Experiences Future directions
The lecturers were surprised that the technical side worked smoothly. Only once the Lahti side had their net connections down, but that did not concern only the AC environment. The students appreciated that the recordings were available afterwards. Checking that the minimum requirements for AC (Flash player, for example) on the desktop computer in the classroom are up-to-date and that a maintenance break is not scheduled to overlap your lecture. This can be checked from the front page of the AC support blog
Document camera synced ok with AC. Changing the view from the slides to the document camera, however, took an excessive amount of time. Being in the “Share desktop” view in AC (everything on the computer desktop is shared through AC) also when showing the slides could be an option to smoothen this out at least a bit.
Interaction between the lecturer through the chat window was challenging according to both the lecturer and the remote participants. Especially, the remote students’ current level of knowledge was difficult to communicate and assess. Pre-tests and tests during the course in Moodle, and instructions for learning the prerequisite skills. A time slot could be allocated for communication with remote students. Possibly also a separate tablet, laptop or phone for the lecturer to check the comments from AC without changing the view on the big screen in the lecture hall.
The remote students found the physical space inappropriate for following the lecture. Equipment, such as speakers, screen or personal computers at the remote site
Exercise walkthrough with AC and a document camera

Exercise walk-through with AC and a document camera

The amount of hybrid lectures will most probably increase in the future, as more and more courses are shared for example with the Lahti campus. This would demand an open and flexible, ready-to-go system of streaming and recording video lectures, as well as smooth integration of devices, including desktop cameras, throwable microphones, with the computers that the web conference system runs on.

We e-learning specialists at the Viikki campus are happy to arrange the equipment and help in designing your course that would include both remote and participants. This could be the case if the space is too small to accommodate the participants, the schedule does not allow everyone to participate simultaneously, the course is not held every year, etc. Please send any questions my way (, 040-759 3911).



VIKLO 19.11: Vertaisarviointi, hybridiluennot verkkokokousympäristössä / Peer evaluation, hybrid lectures in a web conference system

Viikin kampuksen VIKLO-opettajakahvila ke 19.11. klo 14-16 (Kahvitarjoilu klo 14 alkaen, esitykset 14.15). Paikkana Infokeskus Koronan (Viikinkaari 11) verkkokokoustila 315, 3 krs.

Marraskuun Viklossa kokemuksia verkkokokousympäristö Adobe Connectin käytöstä vertaisarvioinnin ja hybridiluentojen mahdollistajana:

Vastuullinen tutkija Sarah Butcher Biotekniikan instituutista esittelee kokemuksiaan gradutyöskentelyä tukevan vertaisarvioinnin toteuttamisesta Adobe Connect -verkkokokousympäristössä otsikolla Encouraging peer evaluation and self reflection by using Adobe Connect for MSc thesis presentations. Seminaari on saavuttanut maisteriopiskelijoiden suosion ja edistänyt heidän gradutyöskentelyään tarjoamalla motivoivia tilaisuuksia oman tutkimustyön esittelyyn.

Toisena aiheena hybridiluennot (termi lanseraattu nyt!) – eli miten luennot voidaan toteuttaa yhtä aikaa lähi- ja verkko-opetuksena. Esimerkkitapauksena tänä syksynä yhteistyössä Lahden kampuksen kanssa toteutettu Kemian perusteet -kurssi.

Tilaa paikan päällä rajoitetusti, mutta voit seurata tilaisuutta myös AC-ympäristössä: Jos tulet paikan päälle, ilmoittaudu verkkolomakkeella viimeistään to 13.11.: AC-ympäristöön ei tarvitse ilmoittautua erikseen.


VIKLO Café for teachers at the Viikki Campus Wed 19.11.

Time: 14-16 (the presentations start at 14.15, coffee available at 14.00)
Place: Info Center Korona, web conference room 315, 3rd floor.

November’s VIKLO Café covers experiences on the web conference system Adobe Connect for peer evaluation and hybrid lectures.

Principal investigator Sarah Butcher from the Institute of Biotechnology present her experiences on the topic with the title Encouraging peer evaluation and self reflection by using Adobe Connect for MSc thesis presentations:

“A critical phase in encouraging students to finish there MSc studies is the presentation of their theses results to their peers. In developing the Advanced seminar in Biotechnology I encountered several areas for student development:

  1. Thorough preparation and presentation of a talk based on one’s own research
  2. Feedback skills
  3. Attendance at sufficient seminars
  4. Lowering the barrier for writing the thesis

The discussion will focus on how these elements were incorporated into the course utilising Adobe Connect over 3 years leading to rapid completion of course assignments and satisfied students motivated to finish their studies.”

The second presentation introduces the concept of ”hybrid lectures”, that is, how lectures can be blended to include both and online students. Our case example is the Basics in chemistry course held this autumn together with participants from the Lahti campus.

Spaces limited, but you can of course follow the session through AC: For coffee, please register on Thu 13.11. at the latest: For AC participation no need to register.
