FRRESH Autumn Seminar

The FRRESH Autumn Seminar, that is taking place today at the University of Helsinki, is focusing on practical skills. The seminar is divided into two sessions with one focusing on supervision and the other on teaching. Karoliina Hurri, who is working as PhD student in our group, is one of the panelists.

The morning panel will discuss supervision both from the supervisor’s and the graduate students’ viewpoint and the afternoon workshop will share best practices in assessment of the undergraduate students.

The relationship between the supervisor and the Ph.D. candidate is crucial for a successful completion of a dissertation. What do supervisors expect from Ph.D. students and what do students expect from supervisors? Are there differences in the way supervision is conducted in national academic contexts? These are among the questions tackled in the panel with supervisors and Ph.D. candidates from Finland, Russia, and the UK.

The panel will be followed by a workshop on teaching. Among the many challenges in teaching at a university level, assessment of undergraduate students’ work is often the hard one. At the panel the experience of teaching and difficulties will be discussed.

Additional information on the event can be found here.


ARKTIKO final seminar

These days, on 20th-21st of November, Arctic Academy Programme (ARKTIKO) has its final seminar “Arctic Research Leads to New Solutions” in Helsinki. Our team members involved in the “Assessing Intermediary Expertise in Cross-Border Arctic Energy Development” project – Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Hanna Lempinen and Hilma Salonen – are presenting the results of their 3-year work. During the project, the group has been researching Arctic Energy Futures, as energy is a top policy priority across the Arctic states. In Russia, the context of focus, Arctic is seen as a central natural resource base. The group’s topical focus was twofold: we concentrated on energy inequality, i.e. how resource riches are distributed and how vulnerable communities are (un)protected; and how renewables could promote socioeconomic development.

On 21st of November, Wednesday, Hanna Lempinen is presenting her research in a talk “Intermediary expertise and Arctic energy development: Science as a case study”.
Besides, during the both days Hilma Salonen’s and Alla Bolotova’s posters are presented at the poster sessions.

Hilma Salonen’s poster title is “Russian Arctic Energy transitions: links across an open space”. Within the project Hilma found that “transitions towards low-carbon systems in the Russian Arctic are represented by niche projects, but success depends on networks formed at a deeper structural level”.

Alla Bolotova is representing Wollie project at the seminar – while it is the final seminar of ARKTIKO,  Finnish-Russian joint projects continue the work. Her poster “Sense of place among youth in Russia’s Arctic cities”. The Wollie project has just started this year, so more finding will be available in the future.

More information on the seminar can be found on the Academy of Finland website.

Workshop in New Delhi

Climate change mitigation requires an unprecedented systemic change. So does climate journalism, says Dmitry Yagodin after attending a workshop in New Delhi, India (November 15-17, 2018). To withstand the pressure of conservative movements, populist leaders, and fake news, media professionals around the world need to look beyond the traditional topics and formats of climate change reporting.   

Journalists, educators and media scholars from 14 countries spent three days inside a hotel conference room, insulated from hazardous air pollution of the Indian capital city, and discussing research, training and the best practices of climate reporting. Dmitry Yagodin presented the results of a media study that focused on the coverage of climate summits (COP15 in Copenhagen and COP21 in Paris). Based on a multinational sample of 13 countries, the study reports a decrease of media attention to the summits, despite their close geographical location and similar political representation. It was also found that business actors played a slightly more prominent role in Paris.

The workshop paid a special attention to the public communication efforts of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Participants generally agreed that the recent release of the IPCC report on “Global Warming of 1.5 °C” has been a relative success compare to the less articulate and complex scientific language of the previous reports. The IPCC’s public communication strategy, adopted in 2012 and updated several times until the last moment, seems to have improved the report’s outreach in many countries. However, according to, the exceptionally low coverage in Russia – 5 articles in 50 printed news media during the three weeks after the IPCC release –  exemplifies the existence of yet uncharted territories.

The Journalism and Media International Center at OsloMet, Norway, and Datamation Foundation in Delhi in co-operation with the MediaClimate network organized the workshop. The participants came from different parts of India, from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Japan, the USA, the UK, Australia, Germany, Norway, Finland, Uganda, Turkey and Russia.

“Northern Dimension Future Forum on Environment: Black carbon and Climate Change in the European Arctic” today in Brussels

“Northern Dimension Future Forum on Environment: Black carbon and Climate Change in the European Arctic” is organised today in Brussels. Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen is taking part in “Knowledge Arena 2: Actions in Practice” session of the forum, giving a talk “How to reduce black carbon emissions in Russia’s oil and gas industry?”

Temperatures in the Arctic are rising clearly faster than the global average temperatures. Thus, also black carbon, that may cause some 20-25% of the warming in the Arctic, has received special attention by the Arctic Council and the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership. In addition to its global warming impacts, black carbon is detrimental to human
and ecosystem health. Important sources of black carbon include transport, residential burning of coal and biomass, oil and gas flaring, and open burning of biomass.
Because black carbon remains in the atmosphere only for days or weeks, emission reductions produce positive results fast. Furthermore, many technological solutions to curb emissions already exist. In addition to the activities of the Arctic Council, there are also other international and regional initiatives aiming at reducing black carbon emissions such as the Climate and Clean Air Coalition and the World Bank’s Zero Routine Flaring by 2030.
This event brings together researchers, businesses and policy makers to discuss how countries and actors in the European Arctic are tackling this common challenge and what they could do more.

More information on the event is available here.

Dmitry Yagodin’s comments in Helsingin Sanomat

A new article “Venäjällä monet tutkijatkin uskovat, että maailman lämpenemisen sijaan edessä on jääkausi” (Many researchers in Russia believe that there is an ice age lying ahead of the global warming) was published yesterday, 18th of November, in Helsingin Sanomat. The article discusses how climate change is covered in Russian media and what is the discussion around the issue in the country in general.

The author of the piece asked Dmitry Yagodin to comment on how the recent IPCC report was met in Russia. Dmitry said, that out of 50 newspapers, according to his calculations, only 5 have written about the report, and it was largely ignored in the TV-news. According to Yagodin, the situation is hampered by the fact that there are only 5 journalists in the whole country that are well familiar with the climate change issue. Another important reason for the indifference of media is a twofold nature of the attitude towards the issue in the country – while Russia signed the Paris Agreement and has not withdrawn from it like the USA, it still has not ratified it.

Full version of the article is available on Helsingin Sanomat website.

ENERGETIKA XXI Conference in St. Petersburg

The XI International Scientific Conference “ENERGETIKA XXI: Economy, Policy, Ecology” “The Need for Energy Dialogue in a Fast Changing Environment” takes place in St. Petersburg, Russia, from 14th to 16th of November. 

ENERGETIKA is a conference regularly held in St. Petersburg in the month of November to address recent developments in the energy sector on a global basis with special focus on Russia. It is organized by UNECON (the St. Petersburg State University of Economics) with financial support by energy companies, combining an open academic atmosphere with the insights of representatives of important energy companies, like Gazprom and Gazprom Export, as well as from national and international public organizations.

On one side the world has seen a joint global approach to climate issues by the Paris Agreement (PA) with strong impact on the energy sector and on the relation between energy resource holding and energy importing countries. On the other hand unilateral approaches by the US by leaving the PA and stepping down from the Iran deal as well as fostering the position of US LNG by political means. While progress has been made in EU-Russia gas relations, much remains open, if not controversial. In such a fast and often abruptly changing environment it is paramount to foster dialogue between all parties to prevent misunderstandings and to identify mutual opportunities. ENERGETIKA offers itself as a place for an open dialogue on economy, policy and environment aspects of energy.

Jussi Huotari, Lauri Lähteenmäki, and Hilma Salonen from our team are participating in the conference. Jussi is presenting his paper “Yamal LNG and Global Production Networks” at the “Recent Developments of Energy Markets” panel on 15th of November.

More information on the conference can be found here.

STN:n luonnonvaraseminaari

Strategic Research Council‘s seminar on natural resources is taking place today in Helsinki, and Sakari Höysniemi from the Winland project is taking part in it. The seminar’s title is “Veden, ruoan ja energian globaali kysyntä ja sen merkitys Suomelle” (Global demand for water, food and energy and its importance for Finland).

The presentation made by Winland for the seminar can be downloaded here.

Asia on the Move

Our doctoral students Karoliina Hurri and Sohvi Kangasluoma are spending this week in Norway, taking part in the “Asia on the Move” conference in Tromsø and a PhD workshop on-board Hurtigruten cruise ship sailing between Tromsø and Svolvær. The event is organised by the Nordic NIAS Council in collaboration with the Centre for Peace Studies, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. The conference is held on 5th-7th of November and the workshop from 7th to 9th.

Asia – a region that contains nuclear states, the second and third largest economies in the world, the largest global population – is on the move!
The continent which has changed the most in the 21st century is Asia: be it Asia’s engagement with the Arctic region, presence in Africa, economic prominence, or geopolitical influence within and outside of the region, increased population movements in and outside Asia, increased risk of climate change, democratization and citizenship issues, nuclear proliferation and security threats to and from some of the Asian countries – all require in-depth analysis for good global governance.
For example, the rise of China in Central Asia has led to many speculations, including a ‘New Great Game’ with Russia and the United States. On the other hand, new moves from both parties on the Korean peninsula may see a ‘new hope’ for peace.  Sideways, in the context of climate change and ‘arctic race’, new geo-ecopolitical, and geostrategic dynamics led to the growing interest of non-Arctic states in the affairs of the Arctic. Engagement of countries like China, Japan, Korea and India in the Arctic will significantly influence the evolving dynamics in that region.
Meanwhile, forced migration (e.g. Rohingya issues) and climate change induced displacement, corruption, violation of human rights and citizenship, crisis in Asian mega cities, and rising inequality have huge influence on ‘The Move’ and hence require much attention from policymakers and academics working on Asia.

At the PhD workshop, Sohvi presents a paper for NIAS PhD course – Theoretical background and operationalization of human security from a feminist perspective titled  “A feminist approach: Impacts of oil and gas sector to human security in Arctic communities”, and Karoliina presents a paper for NIAS PhD course Research Design and Key Concepts “China’s Leadership Role in Climate Negotiations: A case of BASIC countries, BRICS group and the Arctic Council”.

Check conference website for more information on the event.

Professor Tynkkynen giving expert opinion at the Grand Committee today

Today Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen was invited again to the Grand Committee (Finnish Parliament’s EU Committee) to give an expert opinion on EU energy politics during the discussion of the Directive 2009/73/EC of the European Parliament. Professor Tynkkynen was one of the experts invited to the Parliament, together with Arto Rajala from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Olga Väisänen from Gasum Oy, Communications Manager EU and Nordic Policies of Nord Stream 2 Tapio Pekkola and Nord Stream 2 advicer Paavo Lipponen.

More information can be found on the Parliament’s website.

MPK alumni meeting

Another alumni meeting took place yesterday. Professor Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen gave a talk on “Venäjä – energiasuurvalta? Energia. Valta. Kulttuuri” (Russia – an energy superpower? Energy. Power. Culture) at the MPK (Maanpuolustuskurssi) alumni meeting. The presentation was followed by a discussion with other alumni of the National Defense Training Association of Finland.