ISHA Helsinki & CISSI Revolution-sitsit

ISHA Helsinki and CISSI are organizing a joint sitsit on the 1st of October with the theme of Revolution! So get your favourite revolutionary costumes out of the closet and join us as we celebrate (amongst others) the 100th year anniversary of the October Revolution. NB!! The sitsit are likely to be very popular so act now if you want your place secured! The e-sign up sheet will be published next Monday the 25th of September at 12pm.


Here is a link to the event on Facebook: ISHA&CISSI Revolution-sitsit

WHAT: ISHA&CISSI Revolution-sitsit
WHERE: New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 A, 3rd floor
WHEN: 1.10 at 6.30pm
WHY: Good company, great drinks and the Revolution!
MITÄ: ISHA&CISSI Vallankumous-sitsit
MISSÄ: Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 A, kolmas kerros
MILLOIN: 1.10 klo. 18.30
MIKSI: Hyvää seuraa, hyvää juomista ja vallankumous!