The effects of COVID-19 to the events of ISHA Helsinki

Dear everyone,

The 2020 board of ISHA Helsinki had a meeting last week on the 12th of March. The minutes can be found exceptionally here, in Finnish.

Sadly we have to announce that the 30th Anniversary Ball of ISHA Helsinki, that would have taken place on the 3rd of April, will be canceled due to the coronavirus epidemic. We are following the recommendations of the University of Helsinki and the Finnish government and will cancel all the events at least until the 31st of May.

We have rescheduled the Anniversary Ball to the autumn and it will be held on the 27th of October. We will provide new information about the Anniversary Ball later this year. Until then, remember everyone to follow the rules of the government in this special situation we live in. Most importantly, stay home as much as possible, but if you need to go out, wash your hands and keep distance to other people to protect the most vulnerable.


Best Regards

The board of ISHA Helsinki 2020