
See full workshop descriptions by clicking the workshop!

Global Inequality
Interested in tackling the topics of global structures and different historical developments that have created inequality and inequity throughout history?


Minorities and Inequality: What Constitutes a Minority?
Interested in the concept of minorities and different minority groups in history? Would you like to learn more about the cultural heritage of the Sámi people in Finland via a museum excursion? 


Economic Inequality
Interested in economic inequality and its history, consequences and representation in different societies throughout history? Want to learn more about economic and related inequalities in Finland and Helsinki through a city walk? 


Representation and Inequality
Interested in the topics of representation of various social groups and their possible lack or misrepresentation in media, culture, and politics? Want to discuss how lack of representation in historical sources impact research? 


Research Ethics and Inequality
Interested in research ethics and inequalities regarding conducting research? Do you wish to tackle the topics of research ethics and the impact and responsibilities of researchers? 


PhD Workshop
Are you a PhD student or a MA student wishing to do a PhD Degree in the future? Want to get geeky about your research topic, discuss with other PhD students about the issues you are tackling and learn some useful skills that will enhance your research and you yourself as a researcher?