
Online courses from the world’s top scholars.

Australia Network – Study English
Paljon videoita eri aihepiireistä, saatavilla myös käsikirjoitukset ja muuta oheismateriaalia.
Australia Network, ABC

Cato Audio & Video Events Archive
Webcasts of talk forums and conferences of varying current topics in e.g. politics, social sciences and law, sometimes with tapescripts, PowerPoint slides etc.
Cato Institute, a non-profit public policy research foundation, Washington D.C.

Columbia News
Web video presentations, talks, lectures, seminars, discussions etc. on changing current topics in different academic fields, e.g. social sciences, natural sciences, education, film and theatre, medicine. Look for sections “News Archive” and “Video Archive”.
Length: 2 – 70 min. or more.
Columbia University, New York.

Conversations with History

Video interviews with distinguished men and women from all over the world. They  talk about their lives and their work. Guests include diplomats, statesmen, and soldiers; economists and political analysts; scientists and historians; writers and foreign correspondents; activists and artists.  At the heart of each interview is a focus on individuals and ideas that make a difference. Some interviews also with tapescripts.
Institute of International Studies at the University of California at Berkeley.

Electronic journals (Helsinki University Library)
Akateemisia artikkeleita eri tieteenaloilta.

EUtube – Sharing the Sights and Sounds of Europe
Euroopan komission tuottamaa videomateriaalia YouTubessa. Aiheina ajankohtaiset hankkeet, erityisen paljon ympäristöasiaa.

Free video lectures
Videoita yliopistoluennoista eri aloilta.

Interviews with Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
Watch video interviews with the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates.

Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
Laaja korpus akateemisten puheiden/keskustelujen/seminaarien/jne. transkriptioita.
The University of Michigan

MIT Video
A free, open streaming media web site of the most significant public events at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). It features the most recent speakers and guests from across the campus and around the world in the fields of architecture, arts, biotechnology, business, defence, economics, eduation, engineering, environment, history, innovation, medicine etc.
Duration: about 1 h
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

MIT OpenCourseWare
Free online publication of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) course materials with audio and video lectures. You can browse courses by department or use the advanced search to locate a specific course or topic.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

National Academies Press
Free books in PDF format. The NAP publishes more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health, capturing the most authoritative views on important issues in science and health policy. They offer more than 4,000 titles in PDF format.

Reith Lectures
BBC:n taltioimia, tavalla tai toisella kiinnostavien ja merkittävien henkilöiden pitämiä luentoja. Luentoja pidetään kerran vuodessa ja sarjan aloitti Bertrand Russell vuonna 1948.

Science Daily – Latest Science Videos
Videouutisia ajankohtaisista tiedeaiheista.

TED – ideas worth spreading
Paljon videoluentoja vuosittain järjestettävästä TED-konferenssista (Technology, Entertainment, Design).United Nations Multimedia
United Nations television, video and radio on the web. News and feature programmes on current topics mainly in the fields of social sciences and humanities.
United Nations.

Video on the Radcliffe Institute Web Site
A selection of Radcliffe Institute conferences, lectures, and special projects available in streaming video and/or audio.
Radliffe Institute for Advanced Study
Harvard University

Voice of America webcasts
American radio station, a wide range of current topics in various fields.
Programs to listen to on various subjects, including American life, health and science, entertainment, and  news analysis.
Voice of America.

Webcast Berkeley
Podcast-lähetyksiä luennoilta ja muista kiinnostavista tilaisuuksista.
University of California