375 Years of Medical Education at the University of Helsinki

Time: Thursday 22.th October 2015,  at 12.00-16.00
Venue: Meilahti, Biomedicum I, adress: Haartmaninkatu 8, Lecture hall 1, ground floor

REGISTRATION (at the latest 14th October 2015): Please fill in registration form here

Programme: (Programme in pdf)

First part of the seminar (in English) 12.00-13.45:

Opening by Dean Risto Renkonen

Video: 375 Years of Medical Education

International keynote by Professor Trudie Roberts, President of the Association for  Medical Education in Europe and Director of Leeds Institute of Medical Education
Past, present and future trends in medical education – an international perspective

Dean of Education Jussi Merenmies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki
Where is medical education heading for?


13.45-14.15   Coffee            

Second part of the seminar 14.15-16.00: (presentations only in Finnish):

Juhlapuhuja Arkkiatri Risto Pelkonen: Hyväksi lääkäriksi kasvaminen

Opiskelijan puheenvuoro Enni Kaltiainen: Miten oppia hyväksi lääkäriksi?

Video: Tutkimukseen perustuva lääketieteen koulutus

Professori Pauli Puolakkainen: Kliinisten taitojen opettaminen ja oppiminen

Professori Kaisu Pitkälä: Lääkäri ja potilas


16.00 Tilaisuuden päätös/ End of the seminar


Reception at 16.00-18.00:  Vine and tapas

– Meet members of The Teachers` Academy
– Visit Simulation Centre in Biomedicum