HYVÄT Autumn Meeting and Sauna Night 21.11.

Welcome to the hybrid HYVÄT Autumn General Meeting on Monday November 21st, starting at 18.30. After the meeting, we will hold a pikkujoulut/get-together/sauna night for HYVÄT members. The meeting will be held in hybrid format in Kattosauna Sivistys (Leppäsuonkatu 11, 00100 Helsinki) and in Zoom.

See below the agenda for the Autumn Meeting both in Finnish and English.

A registration email has been sent to all our members.

Please sign up for the meeting here: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/120837/lomake.html

About the Autumn Meeting and selection of the 2023 HYVÄT board

The Autumn General Meeting is an annual meeting of HYVÄT, where the new board for 2023 will be chosen. If you are interested in board membership, feel free to contact me (aleksi.moine@helsinki.fi) or phd-board@helsinki.fi. If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to be a board member in 2023, please inform me before November 21st and we will elect you to the HYVÄT board at the meeting in absence.

The positions in the board include chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and event coordinator; among others. HYVÄT board essentially decides how the organization operates, what our goals are, and what kind of actions we take to accomplish them / what kind of events we hold, so the workload and commitment for board members and commitment is really up to the board members’ to decide depending on their wishes.

HYVÄT has also traditionally had quite good relations with the doctoral education staff at the University of Helsinki, and HYVÄT board membership provides great opportunities to affect and hear about the direction of doctoral education at the University. If you wish to shape HYVÄT’s future after a few long remote years, this is the perfect time to join the board :)

Agenda for the autumn meeting


Y-tunnus: 3075758-1

General autumn meeting

Time:  November 21st 2022, at 18.30
Physical location: Kattosauna Sivistys, Leppäsuonkatu 11, 00100 Helsinki
Remote location: via Zoom, link sent to members via email.


  1. Opening the meeting
  2. Legality and quorum
  3. Approving the agenda
  4. Election of meeting officials
    • Chairperson
    • Secretary
    • Scrutinizers (2)
    • Tellers (2)
  5. Accepting the action plan for the year 2023
  6. The joining and membership fees of 2023
  7. The budget for the year 2023
  8. Election of the chairperson of the board for 2023
  9. Election of other board members for 2023 (6-12 people)
  10. Election of auditors for 2023 (2+2 people)
  11. Other matters
  12. Closing the meeting

Syyskokouksen esityslista


Y-tunnus: 3075758-1

Yhdistyksen sääntömääräinen syyskokous

Aika: 21. marraskuuta 2021, klo 18.30
Fyysinen kokouspaikka: Kattosauna Sivistys, Leppäsuonkatu 11, 00100 Helsinki
Etäkokouspaikka: Zoomilla, linkki lähetetty jäsenille sähköpostitse.


  1. Kokouksen avaus
  2. Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
  3. Asialistan hyväksyminen
  4. Kokousvirkailijoiden valinta
    • puheenjohtaja
    • sihteeri
    • pöytäkirjantarkastajat (2 kpl)
    • ääntenlaskijat (2 kpl)
  5. Vuoden 2023 toimintasuunnitelma
  6. Vuoden 2023 liittymis- ja jäsenmaksut
  7. Vuoden 2023 talousarvio
  8. Vuoden 2023 hallituksen puheenjohtajan valinta
  9. Vuoden 2023 hallituksen muiden jäsenten valinta (6-12 hlö)
  10. Vuoden 2023 toiminnantarkastajien valinta (2+2 hlö)
  11. Muut esille tulevat asiat
  12. Kokouksen päätös


