Autumn pub nights

We will continue our monthly pub nights this autumn. We’ll meet at Thirsty Scholar around 18, feel free to turn up earlier if you want. For those who are new to the place, the address is Fabianinkatu 37.

The coming pub nights will be on Wednesdays once a month, so be sure to mark the following dates in your calendars already:
· 19 October
· 16 November
· 7 December – Christmas party!

Don’t forget our Halloween party, 29th October, same location, fancier costumes!

Autumn pub nights

We will continue our monthly pub nights this autumn. We’ll meet at Thirsty Scholar around 18, feel free to turn up earlier if you want. For those who are new to the place, the address is Fabianinkatu 37.

The coming pub nights will be on Wednesdays once a month, so be sure to mark the following dates in your calendars already:
· 19 October
· 16 November
· 7 December – Christmas party!

Don’t forget our Halloween party, 29th October, same location, fancier costumes!

Autumn pub nights

We will continue our monthly pub nights this autumn. We’ll meet at Thirsty Scholar around 18, feel free to turn up earlier if you want. For those who are new to the place, the address is Fabianinkatu 37.

The coming pub nights will be on Wednesdays once a month, so be sure to mark the following dates in your calendars already:
· 19 October
· 16 November
· 7 December – Christmas party!

Don’t forget our Halloween party, 29th October, same location, fancier costumes!