HYVÄT Spring Meeting

The HYVÄT Board for 2022 wants to welcome all HYVÄT members to the association’s spring meeting that takes place on March 30th at 18.00 in group study room 329 at Alexandria. Participation is possible also via Zoom and the link as well as the meeting invitation have been sent to HYVÄT mailing list. If you did not receive a message, please consult the board through phd-board@helsinki.fi.

Due to various reasons, some members of the board have had to step out of their responsibilities. Therefore, we will have to elect a new chairperson during the meeting and we are also looking for new active members of the board. If you are interested in developing our activities, please do not hesitate to join us! If you are willing to join the board but cannot come to the meeting, please write us, again at phd-board@helsinki.fi

 The meeting agenda is attached below. See you soon!

General spring meeting
Time: March 30th 2022, at 18.00
Location: Aleksandria, group study room 329, or remote access via Zoom


1. Opening the meeting

2. Legitimacy of the meeting

3. Approving the agenda

4. Electing chairperson for the meeting

5. Electing secretary for the meeting

Electing two scrutinisers and two tellers for the meeting
Annual report, financial statement, and auditors’ report from the year 2021
8. Approving the financial statement and discharging the accountables from liability

9. Electing new chairperson

10. Electing new board members or officers (possible)

Other matters
12. Closing the meeting

Call for representatives in the Research Program Committee of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

See the call below for a student representative and a vice-representative for the Research Program Committee of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences. We are primarily looking for candidates from that particular faculty. If interested, please send your short and freely formatted application to phd-board@helsinki.fi before February 7th.

The Research Program Committee of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences is looking for a doctoral student representatives (one member and one vice-member). The Committee’s main working language will be Finnish. The administrative period of the Committee is March 1st 2018 until the end of February 2022. The doctoral student representatives will be nominated for a 2 year period at a time and they must have a doctoral study right at the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences. The Committee’s duties are research related matters at the Faculty level. The Chairperson of the Committee is Vice Dean Minna Nyström (minna.nystrom(a)helsinki.f). Inquiries to Senior Advisor in Research Administration Tiina Avomaa (tiina.avomaa(a)helsinki.fi).

Bio- ja ympäristötieteellisen tiedekunnan tutkimusohjelmatoimikuntaan etsitään tohtoriopiskelijoiden edustajaa ja varaedustajaa. Toimikunta aloittaa toimintansa 1.3.2018 ja nelivuotinen kausi päättyy 28.2.2022. Tohtoriopiskelijoiden edustajat nimitetään kahdeksi vuodeksi kerrallaan. Tohtoriopiskelijoiden edustajilla tulee olla tohtorin tutkinnon opinto-oikeus bio- ja ympäristötieteelliseen tiedekuntaan. Toimikunnan tehtäviin kuuluu tiedekunnan tutkimusasioiden käsittely. Toimikunnan pääasiallisena käyttökielenä on suomi. Toimikunnan puheenjohtajana toimii tutkimusasioista vastaava varadekaani Minna Nyström (minna.nystrom(a)helsinki.f). Lisätietoja voi kysyä tutkimushallinnon asiantuntija Tiina Avomaalta (tiina.avomaa(a)helsinki.fi).