Invitation to Autumn General Meeting on Dec 4th 2018

Welcome to the Autumn General Meeting on Tuesday December 4th, starting at 18.00 at Kattosauna Sivistys (Leppäsuonkatu 11, the same place where we had sitsit in September).

For the meeting, we are still looking for applications to the board of 2019. The meeting can elect 6-12 board members and the positions include chairperson, secretary, treasurer, event coordinator, members coordinator among others. Feel free to contact for more information, or just show up in the meeting if you are interested.

In the meeting, all the HYVÄT members who have paid their membership fee have the right to vote.

Remember also the Christmas Party immediately after the meeting in the same location.

See below the agenda for the Autumn Meeting both in Finnish and Englsih.


Yhdistyksen sääntömääräinen syyskokous
Aika: 4. joulukuuta 2018, klo 18.00
Paikka: Kattosauna Sivistys, Domus Gaudium, Leppäsuonkatu 11.
  1. Kokouksen avaus
  2. Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
  3. Asialistan hyväksyminen
  4. Kokousvirkailijoiden valinta
    1. puheenjohtaja
    2. sihteeri
    3. pöytäkirjantarkastajat (2 kpl)
    4. ääntenlaskijat (2 kpl)
  5. Vuoden 2019 toimintasuunnitelman hyväksyminen
  6. Vuoden 2019 liittymis- ja jäsenmaksut
  7. Vuoden 2019 talousarvio
  8. Vuoden 2019 hallituksen puheenjohtajan valinta
  9. Vuoden 2019 hallituksen muiden jäsenten valinta (6-12 hlö)
  10. Vuoden 2019 toiminnantarkastajien valinta (2+2 hlö)
  11. Muut esille tulevat asiat
  12. Kokouksen päätös
General autumn meeting
Time:  December 4th 2018, at 18.00
Location: Kattosauna Sivistys, Domus Gaudium, Leppäsuonkatu 11.
  1. Opening the meeting
  2. Legality and quorum
  3. Approving the agenda
  4. Election of meeting officials
    1. Chairperson
    2. Secretary
    3. Scrutinizers (2)
    4. Tellers (2)
  5. Accepting the action plan for the year 2019
  6. The joining and membership fees of 2019
  7. The budget for the year 2019
  8. Election of the chairperson of the board for 2019
  9. Election of other board members for 2019 (6-12 people)
  10. Election of auditors for 2019 (2+2 people)
  11. Other matters
  12. Closing the meeting

HYVÄT @ Climate March on October 20th

Dear members of HYVÄT,
Climate change is perhaps the biggest global threat we are facing now and especially in the near-future. The problem has been known already for tens of years, but still we see very few acts by the governments. Now it’s the time for us to promote the science-based decision-making and make sure that every politician in Finland and worldwide understands that we need to do something now and not tomorrow. 
On the following Saturday, we will be defending the voice of the scientific community by participating in the Climate March!
You can find HYVÄT next to the student associations on the eastern side of the Senate Square. Look for Anton and/or the HYVÄT logo.
The demonstration starts at 15:00 from the Senate Square. Come join us a bit before that!
Join also the Facebook events to make the event even more impactful:
Earlier on the same day (12:00->), there is also a seminar “Keys of Change” in the Think Corner, presenting the perspective of different disciplines in solving the crisis.
See also the original message from the student union below.

Climate change has been discussed exceptionally widely in both mainstream media and social media during the past week. The reason for this is the recently published report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( The contents of the report are no surprise but still make for harsh reading.
Generational policy holds a central place in the student movement’s election platform in the spring. We must build our society with a far-reaching approach, leaving future generations a thriving planet and a society built more sustainably than before. In light of current development, we have a lot of work to do.
Researchers have been warning us about the effects of climate change for decades already, urging decision-makers to take ambitious measures to mitigate climate change. Societal interaction and communication about research results is one of our University’s basic tasks, but despite best efforts, the suggestions often fall on deaf ears, and the voice of the scientific community is lost in decision-making. Sometimes researchers need help for their message to be taken with appropriate seriousness – which is where we, the largest and loudest group of the University community, can help.
Regarding the mitigation of climate change with insufficient ambition trivialises all the other goals of generational policy. The change will not happen by itself, nor will the theme become one of the main themes of the parliamentary elections without effort. We must act now, which is why the Student Union of the University of Helsinki has combined strengths with development and environmental organisations and become one of the conveners of the climate march.
We are inviting you to join us on the streets of Helsinki on 20 October to march for ambitious climate policies and decision-making based on research!
The main themes, goals and detailed information of the climate march are available trilingually in the Facebook event:
Climate marches are demonstrations with a really good reputation. Participants typically include people from all sectors of society and from different ends of the political spectrum. This is also shown in the popularity of the FB event, which has reached 630,000 people so far, with 4,500 people attending and nearly 20,000 interested in the event. This could become the largest demonstration related to the environment ever held in Finland. That is exactly what we need –nothing less would be enough for people to take generational policy and climate change with appropriate seriousness in the spring’s parliamentary elections.
Besides speeches, the event’s programme includes grilling political parties in front of the Parliament Building to find out what views different parties have on the goals of the march. We are seeking party leaders to take part, and politicians who have thus far promised to attend are Chair Antti Rinne from the Social Democrats, Matti Vanhanen from the Centre Party, Vice Chair Anders Adlercreutz from the Swedish People’s Party, Vice Chair Hanna Sarkkinen from the Left Alliance, Minister of the Interior Kai Mykkänen from the National Coalition Party and the acting Chair, Maria Ohisalo, from Greens.
Starting at noon on the same day, the Student Union is organising an event called Keys of Change event in the Think Corner – come and listen to the perspectives of different disciplines on the environmental crisis and discover different paths for influencing, such as science, journalism, entrepreneurship, activism and politics!
I am happy to answer any questions you may have – and hope to see large numbers of you on the streets of Helsinki!

National Doctoral Education Day 9.10.2018

HYVÄT participated in the National Doctoral Education day in Lappeenranta 9th October 2018. The main theme for the day was working life skills and competencies of PhDs, but many other themes were touched upon as well. This post is a try to sum up some of the interesting discussions we participated in. Because of the many parallel sessions we were forced to pick and choose some themes, but the entire programme can be seen here.

Anton giving a presentation at the National Doctoral Education Day

One informative talk was by Outi Suorsa who presented the national PhD career survey from 2017. Her good news were that eduction still defiitely pays off, because the percentage of unemployed PhDs was small, only between 1-7% depending on the discipline. The number is larger for those with a master or bachelor degree. Furthermore, most respondents had perceived the doctotal degree as a benefit for their career: 60% responded that it had given them more demanding tasks at work and 50% responded that they had got a higher salary thanks to their degree. However, only 40 % of the respondents worked with research, which indicates that universities need to focus more on supporting also other than purely academic career choices of doctoral students.

The question then is: how should career advice and mentoring for doctoral students be organised to best serve their needs?

At the University of Turku, career advice has been integrated into the supervison: the doctoral students have the option of having a discussion of future career options with their supervisor. As support for the supervisors, the university has provided them with material on career councelling. This is a brave try to integrate career coaching into doctoral studies, but are the supervisors, who themselves have a university career, the right persons to give advice also on career options outside the university? Would it be possible to find other solutions? Would career courses tailored for dischiplinary needs and led by university career services be the best alternative?

Another solution that was presented by Essi Huttu was the PoDoCo programme that helps to match academically trained PhDs with companies that need their brain power. It is a joint initiative of Finnish universities, industry and foundations that you can read more about here.

Timo Korkeamäki presented a European survey on doctoral education made by the EUA Council for Doctoral Education. One interesting finding was that the majority of universities who responded couldn’t provide clear answers about the careers of PhDs, which indicates that more attention should be given to how and where PhDs get jobs after completing their degree. A great many suggestions on how to improve things on this point were put forward: career survey’s and follow-ups of graduated PhDs working life, career guidance for those still studying, mentoring networks, contacts to alumni, etc. Over all, there seems to be an agreement among everyone working with doctoral education that academic as well as other career options should be presented as equally good, and that more training on how to build a career should be incorporated in doctoral studies.

The EUACDE survey’s data on Finland revealed that people here graduate way slower than in many other European countries. Of those who started in 2009, only 40% had graduated within 5 years. During the discussion that followed many possible reasons for this were suggested: the difficult situation with funding, the amount/accessibility of supervision, the bureaucratically long process of graduation that can take months and months in Finland, etc. Things like bureaucracy should be possible to change if there is will, but securing enough funding for research unfortunately seems harder to accomplish in these days.

HYVÄT’s contribution was a presentation on the results of 2018 PhD student’s survey. Anton highlighted the key findings:

  1. Integration into the research community is a major challenge for doctoral eduction at UH: 47 % of the respondents do not feel they are integrated into the research community. This result correlated strongly with access to working spaces at the university – those with an office are better integrated into the community than those who work from home or somewhere else.
  2. Doctoral students over all think that the quality of supervision is good, but the frequency of how often they meet their supervisor is not always enough. There are too many people who meet with their supervisor only once or twice a year, which is alarming.
  3. Unsurprisingly, the lack of funding continues to be a major issue that affects doctoral students’ possibilities to do research.
  4. Doctoral students who have funding from different resources (employed/grantee/unfunded) have very different possibilities to do their doctoral studies. Currently only the employed are full members of the research community (access to work space, health care, daily meetings with colleagues, etc.). The position of grantees varies greately: some have working spaces and some do not, some have more support from their community and some have less. The unfunded are more or less left without any support of the community. There are many ways to improve this, for example by offering working spaces, more frequent supervision, more peer-support activities, etc.

Improving things like supervision, equality between doctoral students, community-belonging, and funding – the structures doctoral researchers work in – might well be part of the solution to make doctoral students graduate faster in Finland.

Supervision was a key theme also in a presentation by Tanja Johansson who talked about supervision as twofold, consisting of 1) seeing that the PhD student aquires the necessary research skills, competencies, and finishes the thesis; 2) mentoring and supporting the doctoral student in the process. She suggested courses and training for both present and future supervisors as something to look into. Could training as supervisor even be part of the doctoral training? Mentoring and coaching skills could be wortwhile also in working life outside of academia.

Terhi Nokkala talked about peer mentoring for doctoral students that had been piloted in Jyväskylä University. The mentoring groups were interdisciplinary and consisted of two senior academics who acted as coordinators for a small group of doctoral students. The groups met a few times per term and discussed themes that the doctoral students brought up, such as career paths, various research skills, and worries/anxieties concerning these. Both the coordinators’ and the doctoral students’ experiences of the groups were positive. Coordinators felt reminded of the challenges their doctoral students face and the importance to check how their supervisees were doing. The doctoral students felt they got valuable peer-support from both the peers and the more senior academics in the group, knowlegde of how academia works, and that the non-hierarchical group was benefical for confidential discusssions. Maybe also other forms of mentoring for doctoral students could be developed?

To sum things up, many good suggestions on how to improve doctoral education were made during the day. There are many people around the country who keep working with the benefit of universities and doctoral student in mind. However, it is not an easy task to improve and develop higher education in the current political climate that has been characterised by cuts in university funding.

Consequently, this big question was asked: is the doctoral student to be seen more as a “client” with his/her individual plans and hopes for the future, or as a “product” that the ministry of education has ordered from the university? The answer might be different depending on who you ask. From an academic point of view, the idea that the university’s task is to simply produce what the ministry of eduction has ordered, is higly problematic. I believe that the most reliable knowledge of how the university best can serve the society is to be found at the university.

Sitsit-Swedish night 2018


On September 7th, HYVÄT members gathered in Kattosauna Sivistys for an academic dinner party (Sitsit). Last year, HYVÄT started a legendary tradition of having sitsit as a kick-off event of the autumn. This year the saga continued with a new theme: A Swedish Night.

Many thanks to all participants!




European Researchers’ Night


As part of the  European Researchers’ Night  University of Helsinki is organizing an event at Think Corner on the 28th of September.

The event aims at making science and the work of researchers familiar to public all over Europe. In cooperation with the upper secondary school students of Töölön yhteiskoulu and Helsinki Normal Lyseum, University of Helsinki  organizes an event that interest especially the younger public. One part of the programme will be a “living library of researchers” where anyone can borrow a researcher for 15 minutes to have a conversation about the work of the researcher, her/his research findings or for example about how she/he became a researcher. The profession of researcher is not well known among youngsters and the event aims at changing this. It also advocates for recognition of the importance of scientific research and the value it has for the future of the globe.

They  are looking for researchers who wish to share their experience and enthusiasm about their work and are willing to talk about the importance of science with youngsters and other audiences. If you are interested for more information please contact